Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Calculate Your Target Heart Rate? And Get More Out Of Your Workouts.

Target Heart Rate

If you are a member of a health club or you have an exercise trainer, you most likely have heard the term "target heart rate." Your target heart rate measures the intensity of your exercise workout.
When you exercise, your heart has to beat faster to send your blood to oxygenize every part of your body. If you do not raise your heart rate to a certain level while exercising, and maintain that level for at least 20 minutes, you will not have any significant impact on your cardiovascular fitness. So, how do you determine your "target heart rate?"

To determine your target heart rate:
  1. Calculate your maximum heart rate as follows: 220 minus your age
  2. Multiply that number by 0.5 to determine the low end figure for your target heart range
  3. Multiply that number by 0.75 to determine the upper number for your target heart range
Example: Your age is 46:
  1. 220 – 46 = 174
  2. 174 X 0.5 = 87 (low end figure)
  3. 174 X 0.75 = 131 (upper end figure)
Your target heart rate is within the range of 87-131 beats per minute.
(Naturally, before beginning any exercise program, consult your medical doctor.) When you begin any type of exercise program, it is good to start try to reach the lower end heart rate and increase it gradually over time. If you have any type of health problem, or you are taking any medication, it may not be advisable to exercise at your target heart rate. Check with us first before beginning any exercise program.
To check your heart rate while exercising:
  1. Stop your routine and feel for your pulse near one of the arteries in your neck, on either side of your Adam's apple
  2. Count your number of heart beats for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6 to get your actual heart rate per minute
  3. Check to see if you are within your range. If you’re too low - increase the intensity of your work out, too high - slow it down a little! 

What Is Chiropractic Wellness?

Chiropractic Care and Wellness

Wellness image.
Wellness image.
Chiropractic care can help you become all that you can be!

Many people traditionally associate chiropractic care with the relief of back and neck pain. However, during the last several years, there has been a dramatic shift in the chiropractic profession; most of us now promote and deliver wellness care in our practices. What does that mean?

Generally, people first consult a chiropractor for a condition that is causing them acute pain or discomfort. Chiropractic care at this stage requires frequent patient visits designed to relieve the pain and reduce symptoms. As the patient begins to feel better, chiropractic care continues to improve nervous system functioning and promote healing. At this point, many patients begin to feel better, and discontinue care thinking it is no longer necessary.

However, this is the point at which it would be wise to move into wellness care to continue the healing process and to prevent a return of the symptoms that caused the problems in the first place!

True health involves much more than just the absence of pain or symptoms. It involves optimal functioning of our bodies on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Chiropractic wellness care helps the body to maintain nervous system integrity so we can enjoy our lives to the fullest. Routine chiropractic checkups, along with proper rest, nutrition and exercise are all components of the wellness lifestyle…and many people today are coming to view wellness care as a way of living their lives to their fullest!

Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic Shoreview, MN

What a Pain in the Neck!

What a Pain in the Neck!

Headaches and neck pain image.
Emotional stress can take a physical toll.

The holidays are just around the corner and you've been out of work for three months. You're finding it difficult to pay just the regular monthly bills on one salary and you have lots of gifts to buy. To top it all off, your father's health is deteriorating and he's been in and out of the hospital repeatedly for the past several months… And you have this awful pain in your neck that keeps getting worse. Can emotional stress really be the cause?

Emotional stress takes its toll on the body and affects the body's ability to function properly. It causes muscle tension and may have profound effects on the body's immune system functioning, making the body more susceptible to pain, illness and injury. The holidays are a prime time for an extra dose of emotional stress and that relentless pain in the neck is often a direct result of our inability to handle it.

What can you do to try to avoid or relieve neck pain? Try these suggestions:
  • See us regularly to keep your spine and nervous system in optimal working order so it can handle the extra stresses associated with the holidays
  • Take frequent breaks, especially if you sit at a computer all day, to change position and stretch the neck muscles
  • Make sure you are aware of your posture when you are sitting or standing and that you keep your head erect
  • Practice relaxation techniques to reduce the effects of emotional stress on your neck
  • Make sure you get plenty of rest!
Call our practice to learn more about emotional stress and how chiropractic can help.

Dr Douglas Yost Shoreview, MN 651-484-0151

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is it good or bad for me?

Meat. Good or bad?

Good or Bad?

It seems a week doesn't pass that we don't hear something in the media about the dangers of eating, drinking or coming into contact with one substance or another. Even more confusing is that if you wait long enough, someone else comes out with another study extolling its health benefits!

Consider some of things that the "authorities" have flip-flopped about concerning their safety:

Sushi, Red meat, NutraSweet, Sucralose, Saccharin, Dyes, Perfumes, High fat foods, Eggs, Decaffeinated coffee, White bread, Hot dogs, Sugar, White flour, Coffee, Carbohydrates, Tap water, Margarine, Butter, Wheat, GM corn, Fluoride, Silver fillings, Tuna, Bacon.

Consider this. For every person who has had an adverse effect, millions have not. In fact, we've all heard of those in their 80s, 90s or older claiming their secret to longevity was the result of eating or drinking something we've been told is bad for us.

Hmmm. Maybe it's not just the substances. Maybe it's our attitude, stress level, ability to adapt (nervous system integrity), the toxicity of our environment and a constellation of countless other issues at play.

What do you think?

St Paul Chiropractor

Organic Foods - Unplugged!

It's exciting to see all the new-found interest in organic foods, pure drinking water, exercise and fitness.
Yet, many of these well-intentioned, health-conscience people are wasting their money.
There's a growing interest in healthy habits but...

If you know someone who is shopping organically and reducing their dependence upon processed foods, but not getting regularly adjusted, they may be overlooking a key point.

Let's say you go to your favorite supermarket for your weekly shopping. And because you've wisely shopped the perimeter of the store where the fresh foods are, you return home and put things away in your fridge.
But you overlooked one little detail. It's not plugged in! So the fridge has a major vertebral subluxation at the electrical outlet.

In the same way your fridge cannot preserve, protect and prolong the vitality of your foods without a properly functioning electrical system, your body cannot properly digest, assimilate and eliminate foods with a vertebral subluxation interfering with your digestive system.

So it doesn't matter how healthy your organic food choices are, because your body won't be making the most of those healthy choices.

Your nervous system runs the whole show. If it doesn't work right, you don't work right. And if you're not working right you can't fully benefit from organic food, gym membership and other healthy habits.

Shoreview Pain Relief

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Attitude of Gratitude! If you feel more grateful, you'll have more to be grateful for

The Attitude of Gratitude

Stress management image.
Stress management image.
Take time each day to notice things you are grateful for, and soon you'll have even more to be grateful for!

Some days it’s hard to feel grateful. The bills are piling up, the house is a mess, you just had a fight with your spouse and you’ve just missed an important deadline at the office. How can anyone feel grateful under those circumstances?

This is the time of year when people traditionally give thanks. But giving thanks, and feeling grateful, shouldn’t just be confined to one day a year. An attitude of gratitude should be a part of daily living, because no matter how bad things might seem, someone has it a whole lot worse.

We often hear, “What we focus on becomes real.” Do you focus on only the negatives in your life? Do you always see the glass as half empty? Change your focus. Make a gratitude list, right now. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down things for which you are grateful. Your health? Your kids? Food on the table? A home to live in? A good-paying job? Living in a nice community? The raise you got? Your son’s college acceptance? Think about it, and write your list.

Then every day…add to your list. You’ll be surprised how quickly it grows when you focus on what you’re truly grateful for, rather than what you don’t have. Make it a habit to keep an attitude of gratitude and see just how much your life can change!

Pain Relief St Paul Mn

Stuck In The Same Old Routine? Change It!

Same Old Routine? Change It!

Wellness Topics
Wellness Topics
Something as simple as getting up a half hour earlier can set the stage for new possibilities and growth opportunities.

We are creatures of… habit. If we want to grow we must… change.

Change. The very word itself causes some people to tremble. These are people who like status quo, day in and day out. They like routines. They like to know what to expect and when to expect it. And God forbid if someone throws them a curve ball - they simply have no clue how to act with any type of spontaneity.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ll just keep getting what you’re getting! So try changing it up a bit every once in awhile. You can start small with some of these suggestions:
• Take a different route to work – Is your car on autopilot every morning when you leave for work? Try taking a different route and maybe you’ll see something you’ve never seen before!
• Try using your non-dominant hand – If you’re right-handed, try to eat, write, open a door or jar, dust or vacuum with your left hand. You might actually find it entertaining!
• Re-arrange your furniture – Have you lived in the same house for umpteen years and the furniture has never been moved at all, in any room? Start with one room and move the furniture around – you’ll discover that may just get a fresh perspective and hide a well-worn area of your rug!
• Try one new healthy food a week – Doesn’t eating the some things week in and week out get stale? The Internet is loaded with healthy, weight-conscious recipes – try one on for size!
• Get up a half hour earlier each morning – There’s lots of things you could do with that time – read, meditate, watch the sun come up, get a jump start on your email and make your children a hot breakfast.
You can’t get to where you want to go if you’re standing still. Start somewhere and you’ll soon see that breaking out of your old routine can actually be quite fun!

St Paul Pain Relief 651-484-0151

Here are six ways for everyone in Shoreview to make the most of their 24 hours each day.

Time Management to Manage Stress?

What causes you the most stress in your life? Is it your job? Family? Kids? Outside commitments? Do you often wish that there were more than 24 hours in each day or that you could clone yourself?
Most of the stress we experience could be relieved with some time management skills that are easy to learn. All you need to do is practice! Try some of the following time management tips to gain more mileage out of your limited energy resources each day:

Clock Image
Many of us could benefit by more frequently using a little word to end our over committed lifestyle: no!

  • Make a "To Do" list and keep it reasonable. Prioritize what must be done vs. what would be nice to accomplish.

  • If you need to schedule any type of appointment (hair, nails, chiropractor, dentist, etc.) make it far enough in advance to get the first appointment of the day. This way you are in and out and on your way. After you're done, you have the rest of the day to get other things accomplished.

  • Learn how to say "NO!" This is a biggie. Too often, we think someone won't like us if we say no. But there are just as many people who might be angry with us if we say "YES" and infringe on time that needs to be put to better use elsewhere.

  • Consider your biological clock and your peak energy times. Do your more difficult tasks when your energy level is highest. You'll be much more efficient.

  • Schedule your errands so you can do them all in one trip! This saves on [gas] too!

  • Avoid perfectionism. Being a perfectionist often makes you procrastinate because, whatever the task, you think it will never be good enough. Be realistic in your abilities and do your best, that's all anyone expects anyway.
Practicing these and other time management skills helps you make the most of your time every day. Keep at it, until it becomes habit, and you'll relax and enjoy life so much more.

Pain Relief Shoreview

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What Many People Don’t Know About Chiropractic And What We Can Do For YOU* *Especially if you have back pain

What Many People Don’t Know About Chiropractic And What We Can Do For YOU*

*Especially if you have back pain

In just a moment I’m going to tell you some very interesting information about Chiropractic that most people do not know – but more importantly – what it can do for you and how it might even change your life. 

            This is really good stuff… especially if you have back pain now or have ever had back pain in the past. 

            But first, there is something else you should know about.  I think you’ll really like it.

            Did you the use of Aspirin dates all the way back to around 400 B.C.?  It’s true.  The father of medicine, Hippocrates, who lived sometime between 460 B.C. and 377 B.C., left historical records that included the use of the bark of the willow tree to treat fever, headache and various pains.

            It wasn’t until 1829 that scientists started figuring out what was going on.  That’s when they discovered a compound called salicin in the willow plant was responsible for the pain relief.

            In that same year, scientists were able to turn salicin into salicylic acid.  The problem was that salicylic acid was very rough of the stomach and mouth… which limited its use.  Then, in 1853 a German scientist named Charles Frederic Gerhardt buffered (neutralized) the harshness of the acid by coating salicylic acid with sodium and acetyl chloride.  Although it worked, it was time consuming and Gerhardt stopped working on it because he didn’t think it was worth it.


            In 1897 a German pharmacist working for a German pharmaceutical company Bayer, started looking for a solution for his father's rheumatism.  His name was Felix Hoffmann and he “re-discovered” Gerhardt’s work and in 1899 patented a “new” pain reliever under the name Aspirin.

            As a quick and interesting aside: During that same month, Hoffmann synthesized heroin by accident.  His discovery of heroin obviously didn’t end up working out as well as aspirin! But, one of the truly remarkable thing about all this is: 

Scientists did not have a clue how aspirin worked until 1971!  In that year, John Vane theorized how it worked for which he was awarded a Nobel prize in 1982.  

Today, over 70 million pounds of aspirin are produced annually all over the world making it the world's most widely used drug… and scientists still theorize about the exact mechanisms of aspirin.

So what’s all this have to do with
Chiropractic and your back pain?

Here’s what:  Believe it or not – Chiropractic and aspirin have many things in common.

First -- they can both be traced WAY back in history. 

In fact, Hippocrates, who used a form of aspirin back in 400 B.C., also used a form of spinal manipulation.… and so did ancient Egyptians and many other cultures.

But, it was not until 1895 that D.D. Palmer invented “Chiropractic.”   Chiropractic was new and different because Palmer theorized the nervous system controlled every function of the body and Chiropractic adjustments (specific spinal manipulations) removed interference to blocked or pinched nerves.  This, in turn, not only relieved pain… it helped the entire body function better and heal from all sorts of illnesses and diseases.

Just like willow bark and eventually aspirin, spinal manipulation got results and became very popular… but the mechanisms were not understood.

But here’s where Chiropractic & Aspirin differ –
In a very big way…

Doctors and scientists had no clue how aspirin worked – but it was hailed by the medical community as a wonder drug and mass-produced.

Doctors and scientists were not sure how Chiropractic worked – so it was branded unscientific and quackery.

Seems a little unfair – don’t you think?

Thank goodness in many areas, research has finally caught up with Chiropractic!

For example, Chiropractic’s ability to help relieve back pain is well researched.  It is a safe, effective and cost-effective way to relieve back pain.

How Does Chiropractic Work?...FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK:

            Many times when you have back pain it is caused by a spinal joint sprain – or “subluxation.”  Ligaments hold two bones together to form a joint and a sprain occurs when a ligament is injured by over stretching it.

            This can happen due to small micro traumas over several years or one acute event like a car accident, sports injury or slip and fall.  When the ligament becomes stretched and injured joints do not function properly, delicate nerve fibers can be injured.

            Over time, even if untreated, pain can go away even though the spinal joint is not functioning properly.  This can lead to flare-ups in the future and degeneration as the joint moves improperly and wears out.  This is why something small – like bending over to pick up a pencil – can cause severe back pain.

            Chiropractic adjustments and treatments are designed to normalize spinal motion as much as possible.  This allows the spinal joints to heal better.

Here’s a simple way to look at it:

If you broke your arm and didn’t get the bone set properly – it would heal out of place and crooked.  The pain might go away in the short term – but there would most likely be big problems in the future.  The best thing to do is put everything in place and then let it heal properly.

            Chiropractors are experts at getting your spinal bones and joint “in place” and working properly so they can heal correctly.

            Chiropractors are also experts at keeping spines functioning properly to minimize future problems – much like periodic Dental check-ups and cleaning prevent tooth decay and loss down the road.

            So, if you have back pain, you might want to try something that has a history starting in 400 B.C. with the father of medicine – Hippocrates – and has been practiced, improved and proven to help back pain.

            If you do, just give us a call at 651-484-0151 and we will help you in any way that we can; conservatively and affordably!

            I hope you found this information interesting and helpful.


            Dr. Douglas Yost

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is there a "right" way to hold your head?

Know Someone With Forward Head Posture?

Forward head posture
Forward head posture
No wonder you’re always tired. You have a forward head posture!

Neck pain, fatigue, carpel tunnel syndrome, TMJ syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches ~ can how you hold your head be the cause of all these conditions? If you, or someone you know, suffers from forward head posture, and an estimated 90% of the population do, then the answer is definitely yes!

With correct head posture, the ear is centered over the shoulder. If the ear is off center to the front of the shoulder, this is known as forward head posture. For every inch the head is forward of this center position, it exerts an additional 10 pounds of pressure on the muscles in your neck and upper back, causing them to work harder to keep your head erect and your chin up!

But how do you get into the habit of a forward head posture? Today’s use of computers, television and video games may contribute to this condition which ultimately compresses discs and causes extensive damage.

Here are several ways to help correct this condition:

  • Receive regular chiropractic adjustments
  • Make sure your child’s backpack doesn’t exceed 15% of his body weight
  • Take regular breaks from sitting at the computer
It may be hard to believe, but how you hold your head may be an important key to your health!

Shoreview Sports Chiropractor

Osteoporosis in Men?

Backaches and sciatica image.
Backaches and sciatica image.
It's not just women who suffer from osteoporosis.

When you think of Osteoporosis, which gender comes to mind? Women? Then you’d be surprised to learn that almost one-fifth of people diagnosed with this condition are men.

Osteoporosis, a condition in which bones lose their calcium content and become brittle, brings with it an increased risk of bone fractures. It has traditionally been regarded as a women’s disease, resulting from a decrease in estrogen in the post-menopause years.

A recent Australian study reported that one in three males, over the age of 60, will experience a fracture each year because of osteoporosis. A much higher percentage of men over women who suffer from a hip fracture require nursing home care. And of the men who suffer a hip fracture, 20 percent die, usually within six months.
Alarming statistics?

Perhaps, but the same study also suggests that the number of hip fractures in men will double in the next 10 years.
What are the risk factors for osteoporosis in men?
  • Poor nutrition – not enough calcium or Vitamin D in diet
  • Low levels of the male sex hormone testosterone
  • Heredity – if a man’s father has a low bone mineral density
  • Unhealthy habits – smoking, alcohol, caffeine consumption
  • Insufficient exercise – appropriate stress strengthens bones
  • Age – the older a man is, the more likely bone mass loss
  • Medical conditions, particularly those related to the thyroid
  • Ethnicity – Caucasian and Asian men are more vulnerable
  • Small stature – Men who are thinner tend to be more at risk
Some of these risk factors are controllable; others are not. For example, you have some control over your diet and harmful habits, while there isn’t much you can do about your gene pool.

And chiropractic adjustments for patients with osteoporosis? According to a March 2006 article in The Boston Globe, there is little information that suggests that those with osteoporosis are injured by chiropractic adjustments. We can use ''low-force techniques" with patients who have osteoporosis.  

Sports Chiropractor Shoreview, MN

Sweeteners Aren't So Sweet

Diet and nutrition image.
Diet and nutrition image.
Whether natural or artificial, sweeteners can have serious side affects.

Aspartame, Sucralose and Saccharin are all artificial sweeteners. They are alike in that they all give foods and beverages a sweet taste, minus the calories and carbohydrates of regular sugar. But how do they differ and, more importantly, are they safe?

Aspartame, marketed under the names Equal® and NutriSweet®, was approved for food use in the early 1980s. It is used in literally hundreds of food products including cereals, dairy products, fruit juices, drugs, teas and coffees and soft drinks. However, although it is used by people who are dieting, aspartame may actually increase your appetite!

On his website,, Dr. Joseph Mercola reports “aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA.” He also notes that certain chronic illnesses can result, or be made worse, by ingesting aspartame, including brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia and diabetes.

If you think sucralose, marketed under the name Splenda®, is any better, think again. Sucralose is made by adding chlorine to sugar molecules. With limited human testing, sucralose was approved for use in the late 1990s. In laboratory animals, sucralose has resulted in decreased red blood cell count, slower growth rate, spontaneous abortion, longer pregnancies, reduced birth weight, enlarged liver and kidneys. Many who have used Splenda® have reported incidences of depression that disappeared once they stopped using it.

Saccharin, the “granddaddy” of all artificial sweeteners, has been around for 125 years. In 1977, it was determined that saccharin caused bladder cancer in laboratory animals. Consequently, the in the US the Food and Drug Administration ordered that all saccharine-containing products carry a warning label.

Abstinence from these sugar substitutes, and from sugar itself, could be in your best interest if you are feeling any negative effects from their use!

Shoreview Chiropractic

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Exactly is a Subluxation?

Instead of treating disease (the practice of medicine), chiropractors locate and reduce nerve interference, usually along the spine, that prevent your body from working correctly. There are three common causes

What Exactly is a Subluxation?

Subluxations occur when vertebrae in the spine are misaligned or move out of place.

It goes by different names – Subluxation, Vertebral Subluxation, Vertebral Subluxation Complex or simply Nerve Interference. Whatever you call it, it’s the same thing and chiropractors are the only ones who know how to find it and correct it. But what exactly is it?

Let’s use the term ‘subluxation.’ Subluxations occur when vertebrae in the spine become misaligned or move out of place. When an individual vertebra moves out of its proper position, it can press on the nerves that pass from the spinal column out through the space either above or below it. Because nerves carry messages between your brain and your body at lightning speed (think about how fast you move your hand when you touch something hot), nerve interference caused by a spinal misalignment can cause the body to malfunction.

Simply put, subluxations interrupt normal nerve function, causing a breakdown in the body’s communication center, the central nervous system.

How do subluxations occur? There are three main causes:
    Physical causes, such as a car accident, a slip or fall, a sports injury, repetitive movements, such as lifting all day on a job, improper sleeping positions, inadequate sleep and bad posture.Emotional causes, such as grief over the death of a loved one, anger and other negative emotions that cause too much stress in your body and result in damage to your body’s immune system.Chemical causes, that result from improper nutrition (fast food), smoking, alcohol and substance abuse and toxins in your external environment, food and water.
Chiropractors receive special training to adjust the spine, which moves the misplaced vertebrae back into their proper position. It may take time for your body to “hold” an adjustment and for the vertebrae and the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tissue to recognize the new position as being “normal.”

However, once the subluxation is corrected, the nervous system becomes fully functional again, allowing your body to heal.

The biggest problem with subluxations is the fact that you often don’t even know that you have one until you experience symptoms, such as pain or a breakdown in the functioning of a major organ, and then it might be too late.

Receiving regular chiropractic adjustments keeps your nervous system in prime working order, much the same as receiving regular dental care keeps your teeth and gums healthy. If you have any questions about subluxations or the effects that they can have on your health, please be sure to ask us at your next visit.

Chiropractic Subluxation

Does Scoliosis Mean Surgery?

Diagnosis for Surgery?

Your child receives a diagnosis of scoliosis after a routine exam. Naturally you’re concerned – what parent wouldn’t be? But does a scoliosis diagnosis always mean spinal fusion surgery is the only option?
Pregnant woman suffering with back pain.
Pregnant woman suffering with back pain.
Surgical solutions for scoliosis are invasive, drastic and should be considered as a last resort. Seek natural chiropractic care first!

Instead of surgery or "wait andsee," more and more parents are consulting a chiropractor.

The initial treatment of scoliosis usually focuses on preventing the curve from becoming worse. At this stage, bracing is often the first-line of traditional treatment. If the scoliosis has already progressed beyond a 45° – 50° curve in the spine, a medical doctor will generally recommend spinal fusion. This surgery involves the placement of steel rods, hooks and screws to mechanically straighten the spine; these are then covered with bone fragments that fuse together with the spine.

This surgery has risks and complications. They include bowel problems, infection, neurological complications, collapsed lung, back pain and broken rods. These are sometimes handled with medication or still more surgeries.

In recent years, chiropractic research studies have shown great promise with scoliosis, particularly in children. Post-chiropractic X-rays, when compared to pre-chiropractic X-rays, often demonstrate a sizeable reduction in the degree of curvature, after 12 weeks of chiropractic care, so surgery is no longer appropriate.

Many adults and children are becoming increasingly aware of alternatives to the traditional medical treatment of this condition and for good reason…the risks often do not outweigh the benefits!

If you or a loved one is concerned about scoliosis, or needs to be examined to determine whether scoliosis is present, please speak to us at your next visit – we are only to happy to share our knowledge and experience with you!

Scoliosis Shoreview, MN

How To Get Calcium Naturally?

Natural Calcium for Healthy Bones

Womens Health
When you eat the right foods, you can often get the quantity and quality of calcium you need.

The most essential ingredient for healthy bones is calcium.

Calcium intake is important during a child’s growing years to build strong teeth and bones. It becomes less important during the middle years when it is needed to keep bones strong. And then, it becomes much more important as you reach the menopausal and post-menopausal years when bone mass tends to decrease, leaving many woman vulnerable to osteoporosis.

Did you know that you store 99% of your body’s calcium in your teeth and bones and the other 1% is in your blood and your body’s soft tissue? When you neglect eating the right amount of calcium, your body is forced to take the calcium it needs from the built up stores in your teeth and bones. If your body does this over long periods of time, you will most likely develop osteoporosis, a serious disease which causes your bones to become brittle, making them break easier.

Making sure you consume the proper daily calcium requirement helps to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. The recommended amount of daily calcium for women over the age of 50 is 1000-1200 mg. However, it is advised that you limit your daily intake to 2500 mg or less because calcium is not easily absorbed and Vitamin D intake is also essential for the calcium you ingest to be useful.

Food sources are better alternatives than supplements for ingesting the proper amounts of calcium that your body needs to ward off osteoporosis. Some of the best natural food sources for calcium include whole grain cereals, fish (such as salmon), green vegetables (such as broccoli), beans and nuts.

Your body prefers smaller amounts of calcium at a time, so it is best to space your intake throughout the day to avoid consuming more than 500-600 mg of calcium at any one meal. Please keep on mind that certain foods hinder your body’s ability to hold on to the calcium you have ingested. These include excess salt and caffeine that cause calcium to be lost through urination. If you add milk to your coffee and reduce or eliminate your salt intake, you can help prevent this.

Keep in mind too that regular chiropractic adjustments are important as a means to keep your body functioning well, no matter what age you are! If you have any bone mass concerns or questions, be sure to ask us about them at your next visit!

Minnesota Chiropractor

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whiplash Predicts Future Problems?

Many patients who consult us have whiplash injuries from five or 10 years ago or longer. Can the headaches, neck pain and arm tingling be related all these years later?

Headaches and Neck Pain
Headaches and Neck Pain
While traditional bracing is a common treatment, it rarely addresses the underlying structural damage, resulting in symptoms months or years later.

You’re sitting in your car at a stop light when all of a sudden “BAM,” another car hits you from behind. The driver was playing with his radio and never even saw you stopped. You’re taken for emergency treatment, complete with X-rays, muscle relaxers and maybe even a sedative or two to calm your nerves, and are promptly released with no serious complications…yet.

Whiplash is one of the most misunderstood of all conditions; many doctors and insurance companies view it simply as a means to get more money from insurance companies. What many health care providers fail to realize is that the real damage caused by a whiplash injury may take years to show up, and when it does, it can be quite serious, even debilitating.

A whiplash neck injury occurs when there is a sudden backward and forward “whipping movement” of the neck that is most like to result from a rear end automobile crash. Consider the fact that a car, travelling at even slow speeds can generate tremendous force on the victim’s neck.

The result of a sudden hit like this can stretch or sprain muscles and ligaments that provide proper range of motion. As time goes by, this can change the entire structure of the spine, causing degenerative disc disease, and other conditions, that could have been avoided if proper chiropractic adjustments were started right after the accident occurred.

Many patients think that if the pain they feel the day after an accident is minor, then they are “saved.” Then, years later, they begin to experience extreme neck and back trauma that branches out to other parts of the body through the nervous system. Others experience significant neck pain that goes away after a month or so. Then, perhaps 10-20 years later, they may begin to experience symptoms such as extreme neck pain, tingling down the arms into the fingers, and trouble sleeping that all relate back to the original whiplash injury!

The moral of this story is to let you know the importance of seeking an extensive chiropractic evaluation and proper treatment following any whiplash injury, however minor you may think it is. Early detection of an injury to the cervical (neck) spine can save you severe pain and the development of more serious conditions in future years.

Please be sure to let us know in your health history (or at any time if you forgot while filling out you original paperwork) whether you’ve been in an automobile accident. This can have an effect on our evaluation of your present health status.

St Paul Chiropractor

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chocolate That’s Good For You!

Is Chocolate Always Bad for You?

Diet and nutrition image.
Diet and nutrition image.
Up to a point, dark chocolate can be considered health food!
The very word, “chocolate,” brings to mind images of a melt-in-your-mouth, rich and decadent substance that’s both comfort food and special treat!
Dentists and conscientious parents shun chocolate because of its sugar content, which promotes tooth decay, and Xanthine, a chemical that has properties similar to caffeine. However, there actually are some health benefits associated with chocolate that have some people rethinking that position!
Dark chocolate only, not milk chocolate or white chocolate, may actually be good for you! Dark chocolate is loaded with flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that help your body resist the damaging effects of free radicals that cause an increase in heart disease.
The benefits associated with eating dark chocolate include:
    • Reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol by as much as 10% • Increased production of endorphins and serotonin, brain chemicals associated with feelings of pleasure • Reduction in blood pressure • Increased ability for the body to turn sugar into energy – benefits for those with diabetes • Improvement in healthy blood vessel function which results in better blood flow
Now please, don’t take this to mean you can eat as much dark chocolate as you want because of its health benefits. Remember, chocolate is loaded with fat and calories, which can cause weight gain.
Studies to measure the health benefits of dark chocolate have used about three and a half ounces (100 grams) of dark chocolate each day, which adds 400 calories to your daily dietary intake. You would need to balance that increase in calories through changes to your daily diet and/or through exercise. Also, in order to receive the maximum benefit from dark chocolate, it must contain at least 65% cacao.
Remember too that regular chiropractic care increases your odds of staying healthy by strengthening the function of your nervous system, which helps your immune system to fight disease. Dark chocolate can only do so much, while chiropractic care can have far-reaching effects.

St Paul Back Pain Specialist

6 Tips For Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

Active mature couple.
Active mature couple.
Remember that aging, like true beauty (and health) come from the inside out.
People are living longer – it’s a simple fact. And it certainly doesn’t appear that it will reverse itself any time soon. As we age, most of us want to stay as healthy as we can physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so we can enjoy a quality of life that is optimal in our “golden years.” We want to age gracefully, not just get old. How can we do that?
  • Age actively, not passively - don’t let age get the best of you – make healthy choices that are purposeful and support your feeling good

  • Stay physically active – avoid the sedentary life style and walk regularly or get some type of physical exercise, stop smoking, avoid heavy alcohol and drug (even prescription) use, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight

  • Exercise your brain – do crossword puzzles, take a course for fun, learn how to play an instrument, play board games that require thinking, create something new, paint, enjoy a hobby

  • Exercise your sociability – don’t be a loner, meet friends for dinner, or better yet, lunch (eating a larger meal midday is better), see family, enjoy the grandchildren, volunteer, help those less fortunate

  • Exercise positive thinking – focus on the good in your life, think positive thoughts, see the glass as half-full – what you think – you attract into your life – so make sure it’s good!

  • Stay in touch with a higher power – pray, attend communal services - those who engage in some type of spiritual activity tend to be healthier and happier – at any age!
Remember – the insides often reflect on the outside. If you want to look good – try feeling good and stay optimistic. Then the “golden years” really can shine! 

St Paul Chiropractic

Is your body's sewage system in good shape?

Your Body's Sewage System

Exercise is essential
Exercise is essential
Unlike the circulatory system's heart, the lymphatic system relies on movement and exercise to circulate lymphatic fluid.

The body’s lymphatic system is connected to every other organ, yet few people pay much attention to it unless something goes terribly wrong with it – then it becomes a real cause for concern.
What is the lymphatic system and why is it so important? Just as the cardiovascular system carries oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body through blood pumped from the heart, the lymphatic system, made up of your lymph vessels and nodes, tonsils, adenoids, appendix, spleen, and thymus gland, is a "trash collector" that filters out toxins, waste and other debris at the cellular level. If the flow of lymph fluid is blocked in any way, the fluid becomes thick and toxic.

One of the best ways to keep the lymph fluid moving properly through the body is to exercise. Physical movement helps the lymph system to keep from becoming “sluggish.” A sluggish lymphatic system may cause illness, pain and disease, including heart disease, sinusitis, viral/bacterial infections, fatigue, loss of energy, eczema, and even cancer.

In today’s world, many people have become sedentary. Because there is no lymphatic “pump,” like the heart, the lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions, the result of movement and exercise, to push the lymphatic fluid throughout the body. Any exercise that incorporates major muscle groups and deep breathing assists lymph flow.

Walking, jumping on a small trampoline (rebounder), running, swimming or any type of aerobic exercise helps contract muscles and increase lymph circulation.

Here’s an exercise that you can do almost anywhere to stimulate lymph flow in the chest and underarm area:

Stand in a relaxed position with your feet close together. Hold your arms out to the side, palms down, parallel to the floor. Rotate arms in small circles; forward 10 times, then backwards 10 times. Repeat, rotating in medium size circles and then again in large circles. Do this two to three times several times during the day.

Take care of your lymphatic system, and it will take care of you!

St Paul Chiropractor

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Think You Know What Chiropractic Is? Take These Quizzes & Find Out.

Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic e-Learning

Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic is proud to offer our patients the following fun and educational e-Learning quizzes.  Click the links below (quizzes open in a new browser windows) and be sure you answer some questions incorrectly (those answers are the most entertaining).

Take the Quizzes --

Why we should all be Power Napping

Power Napping

Stress management image.
Stress management image.
A 30-minute nap can actually make you MORE productive.

In his book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulgham advises, “Take a nap every afternoon.”  Many cultures embrace this philosophy.

An afternoon powernap can actually improve alertness and productivity in the workplace as many cultures who have long subscribed to “siesta time” already know. The rest of us have been slow to adopt the idea of napping on the job, although several professions, such as airline pilots and healthcare workers, actually encourage it, because of the consequences that could ensue if these workers are not alert at their jobs.
A team of Harvard researchers conducted a study to prove that napping helps the brain to process difficult tasks learned during the day. A group of volunteers were asked to complete a series of difficult tests. One third was not allowed to take a nap at all. One third was allowed to nap for 30 minutes and the last third was allowed an hour long nap.

All of the test-takers did their best early in the day. As expected, performance declined for those who did not nap at all, while it did not for those who took a 30 minute nap. Those who napped for an hour actually did better on post-nap test tasks than they did in those they did in late-morning.

Hopefully, the idea of the 30 minute “power nap” will soon become as widely accepted as the “coffee break” to refresh one’s mind… and spirit!

Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic in Shoreview, MN

Avoid Becoming A Statistic! Learn How To Lift Properly

Lift Right!

Incorrect Lifting
Incorrect Lifting
Improper lifting techniques like these can damage your back - and your sofa!
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than a million workers suffer back injuries each year, and they account for one out of every five workplace injuries or illnesses.
Many back injuries, both on the job and in the home, are the result of improper lifting. Remember to practice proper lifting technique to prevent serious injury to your back.
  1. Plan ahead – know the weight of the object and where you are going; clear the path you will be using.
  2. Make sure you are on firm footing; keep your feet spread apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other.
  3. Squat down - bend at the knees, keeping your back straight and your head level, to pick up the object.
  4. Avoid jerky movements; lift smoothly as you straighten your legs.
  5. Keep the object close to your body -holding it away from you places stress on your back.
  6. Turn with your feet instead of twisting your body at the waist.
  7. Never bend at the waist to pick up an object!
Keep in mind that if an object is particularly heavy, you may need a hand truck, a dolly, or another person to assist you with moving it. Don’t compromise your safety or your back to lift any object.

Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Shoreview, MN

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Dance! Dancing For Health?

Just Dance!

Wellness image
Dancing isn't just fun, it's great exercise.
Can’t get into those yoga positions? Pilates just isn’t your style? Want to relax, feel great and burn calories? Dance! That’s right ~ dance!
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture recommends that adults engage in at least 30 minutes of moderately intense, or more vigorous, physical activity daily. Moderately intense exercise raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping, and 30 minutes of dancing can certainly do that!
So sign up for a local dance class and enjoy some of the health benefits of dancing that include:
  • Burning calories
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Increased blood flow to the brain
  • Reduction in stress
  • Social interaction that wards off loneliness and depression
  • Increased motor skill and agility
  • Feelings of accomplishment when a new step is learned
  • Reduced risk of dementia
  • New friendships
And who said that exercise can’t be fun?

Backpack Basics? Make sure your child's heavy academic load doesn't take a toll on his or her back!

Backpack Basics

Children's health issues image
Just because your child carries a heavy load academically doesn't mean he should carry a heavy load on his back!
Most school-aged children tote backpacks as the preferred means to transport their books and supplies. Chiropractors around the country are seeing younger and younger patients complaining of back and shoulder pain. Could there be a connection?
Backpack Safety International™, an educational program that promotes and delivers guidelines for safe backpack use to administrators, teachers, parents and children, advocates the following four steps to ensure safe backpack use:
  • Choose right - the backpack should fit between the child’s shoulder blades and not hang below the waist.
  • Pack right - The maximum weight of the loaded backpack should never exceed 10 to 15 percent of your child’s body weight, so pack wisely.
  • Lift right - Face the backpack, bend at the knees, lift the backpack with the legs and apply one shoulder strap and then the other.
  • Wear right – use both shoulder straps and make them snug, but not too tight. Use the waist strap, if available.
Increased awareness and education on this issue seems to be paying off. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission reported that the number of emergency room visits related to backpack injuries is down from 7,860 to 7,649 over a one-year period.  Previously, the number of cases had risen significantly each year. Increased awareness of this issue may actually be paying off!


Oh, My Aching Head!

Oh, My Aching Head

Headaches and neck pain image.
Headaches have common triggers and many can be avoided.
It’s back again ~ that all too familiar throbbing pain in your head. You suffer from them regularly, but do you know what actually causes your chronic headaches?
The pain you feel when you have a headache is not located in your brain, even though it feels that way. The pain is actually sensed by nerve endings located in your head and neck. Many types of events, inside and outside of your body, serve as “triggers” that can bring on a headache. Knowing what most often triggers your headaches can help you avoid them.
The most common triggers are emotional (stress, anger, anxiety), food-related (eating processed foods such as perserved sandwhich meats, alcohol, nuts and dairy products), hormonal (birth control pills, menstruation, menopause), environmental (noise, air travel, changes in temperature or humidity), or physiological (illness, skipping a meal, overtiredness).
A study, conducted by Dr. Eisenberg at Harvard University, reported that chiropractors are the most common alternative health provider consulted for headache pain. Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct misalignments in the vertebrae in the upper spine and neck. These misalignments put pressure on adjacent nerves ~ pressure that can cause your headaches.
So, instead of reaching for the headaches pills the next time you feel a headache coming on, call our practice and have your spine checked instead!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chiropractic adjustments are the most essential part of your care

Chiropractic adjustments are the most essential part of your care.

Spinal joints that aren’t moving right can choke or irritate nearby nerves. Chiropractic adjustments add motion to these stuck joints, reducing nervous system disruption. Then, health has the best opportunity to return.

Doctor giving posterior thrust.
Doctor giving posterior thrust.
Like lifting a heavy rock off your toe, our patients often report a pleasant sense of release directly following their adjustments.

Many Techniques
Sometimes a specific, highly-accurate thrust is used. Or an instrument delivers carefully directed energy. Or a slow, constant pressure is used. Several areas may be adjusted, or just one. Sometimes a popping sound is heard.
Feels Great
Because we rely on adjustments to help your body “right itself", we’re highly proficient.
Most patients report a sense of well-being and ease. After all, if adjustments weren't pleasant, our patients wouldn’t return for the multiple visits needed to retrain their spine!
Everyone Benefits
Newborns, infants, children, seniors and even back surgery patients can get adjusted. Naturally, adjustments are tailored to your size, age and particular health issue.
Find out for yourself by scheduling a no-obligation consultation to discuss your problem.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

Yes. A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are “remarkably safe.” By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record. A thorough exam can identify the rare person for whom chiropractic care might be unsuited. Compare the statistics. Adjustments are about 100 times safer than taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Will adjustments make my spine too loose?

No. Only the spinal joints that are “locked up” receive adjustments. The occasional spinal joints that move too much, are passed over so weakened muscles and ligaments can stabilize and heal.

How many adjustments will I need?

The number of adjustments varies with each patient and their individual health goals. Many patients sense some progress within a week or two of frequent visits. Visits are less often as your spine stabilizes. In difficult cases, complete healing can take months or even years.

Why would a newborn get adjusted?

Even today’s “natural” childbirth methods can affect an infant’s spine. Colic, unusual crying, poor appetite or erratic sleeping habits can be signs of spinal distress. Adjustments are gentle. Knowing exactly where to adjust, no more pressure than you’d use to test the ripeness of a tomato is involved.

Can I adjust myself?

No. Some people can make their joints “pop” but that’s not an adjustment! Adjustments are specific and take years to master. Even your chiropractor must consult a colleague to benefit from chiropractic care.

What does an adjustment feel like?

Most patients report a sense of well-being or a feeling of calmness. Since repeated adjustments are necessary, if adjustments didn’t feel good, patients wouldn’t return to finish their care. Chiropractors are experts at making adjustments feel good.

Can patients with osteoporosis get chiropractic care?

Of course. When developing a care plan, your chiropractor considers the unique circumstances of each patient. There are many ways to adjust the spine. The method selected will be best suited to your age, size and spinal problem.

Isn’t some back pain normal?

Pain of any kind, at any age, is a sign that something isn’t right. Pain is the way your body signals that a limit has been reached or a problem has developed. Since we can adapt, minor aches and pains are often shrugged off. While they may go away, if the underlying problem remains unattended, the problem can slowly worsen until it becomes more difficult and expensive to resolve.

Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery?

Yes. Rest assured that we will avoid the surgically modified areas of your spine. Surgery often causes instability above or below the involved level. This will be the focus of your chiropractic care.