Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Attitude of Gratitude! If you feel more grateful, you'll have more to be grateful for

The Attitude of Gratitude

Stress management image.
Stress management image.
Take time each day to notice things you are grateful for, and soon you'll have even more to be grateful for!

Some days it’s hard to feel grateful. The bills are piling up, the house is a mess, you just had a fight with your spouse and you’ve just missed an important deadline at the office. How can anyone feel grateful under those circumstances?

This is the time of year when people traditionally give thanks. But giving thanks, and feeling grateful, shouldn’t just be confined to one day a year. An attitude of gratitude should be a part of daily living, because no matter how bad things might seem, someone has it a whole lot worse.

We often hear, “What we focus on becomes real.” Do you focus on only the negatives in your life? Do you always see the glass as half empty? Change your focus. Make a gratitude list, right now. Take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down things for which you are grateful. Your health? Your kids? Food on the table? A home to live in? A good-paying job? Living in a nice community? The raise you got? Your son’s college acceptance? Think about it, and write your list.

Then every day…add to your list. You’ll be surprised how quickly it grows when you focus on what you’re truly grateful for, rather than what you don’t have. Make it a habit to keep an attitude of gratitude and see just how much your life can change!

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