Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Now Accepting New Patients St Paul, MN Area

Now Accepting New Patients

If you've experienced great results from safe and natural chiropractic care, we hope you'll share your experience with friends. You see, we don't benefit from the billions of ad dollars spent by the pharmaceutical industry.
Instead, we depend upon delighted patients like you to spread the word. That's how it's worked for over a century! In fact, it's how chiropractic has thrived in the shadow of the mainstream drug culture we live in. If you know someone you think we could help, we offer many ways of finding out more about chiropractic:

In person. Bring your friend or family member along on your next visit. The "buddy system" works well when swimming - and when checking out an unfamiliar setting such as a chiropractic office! Or encourage them to schedule a complimentary consultation. We welcome people to come in and discuss their health issues. We'll listen, ask questions and see if they're a good candidate for chiropractic care.

By mail. Let us know, and we can send a "care package" of helpful information about specific health complaints and details about our office to answer questions and address apprehensions.
By phone. Have them give us a call (or email us). There's no obligation and they can remain anonymous if they wish. Informed patients, with their expectations clarified, get the best results!

Online. Easiest of all, forward a link to our website so they can learn what we're all about. We know that people you like will be people we'll like too.
More than likely, someone told you about chiropractic. Pay it forward and introduce someone you love to chiropractic care. It'll feel great!

Chiropractor: Bone or Nerve Doctor?

Bones or Nerves?

We live our lives through our nervous systems. Whether it's enjoying a sunset, digesting dinner or warding off an infection, our nervous systems control everything. Better nervous system = better life.

Our culture is focused on blood, such as pulse, blood pressure and cholesterol. Yet these largely result from nervous system directions. So even the smallest nervous system disturbance can dramatically affect the way your whole body works.

Since the moving bones of the spinal column are in such close proximity to the spinal cord, and the 31 pairs of nerve roots that branch out from it, many people think chiropractic is all about bones.

But I see myself as a nerve doctor, not a bone doctor. The spinal column is merely where we find the vertebral subluxations that are often the source of nerve disturbances between the brain and body. Reducing nervous system tension allows your body to work normally so health can return. Simple, really.

Monday, December 21, 2009

So what can you do about stress-related back pain?

Got stress? Take a walk!

Stress and Back Pain

We live in very stressful times. A world-wide economic crisis, declining home values, job losses, financial insecurities, an uncertain future… these and other “real life” events cause a lot of people a lot of stress. And that stress is responsible for all types of health problems, including high blood pressure, strokes, insomnia and an increase in the number of people experiencing back pain.

Chronic stress (emotional, physical and chemical) can affect your nervous system’s ability to function correctly, leading to an increased risk for illness and pain. And… when you’re under stress, your muscles get tense and tighten, especially the muscles in your neck and back.

So what can you do about stress-related back pain?

• Learn how to relax muscles through stretching, take “stretch” breaks at work, walk around your building during break or lunch

• Exercise to release stress and endorphins, those “feel good” brain chemicals – brisk walking, cycling, swimming – anything that increases your heart rate and gets you moving is beneficial

• Eat healthy meals – avoid empty calories, sugary snacks and comfort foods that pack on the weight and offer little in terms of nutrition

• Write down your thoughts or talk to a professional counselor – getting the stress out, on paper or in person, helps to relieve stress

• Treat yourself to a massage to ease tense muscles

• Learn to say “no” to anything that will further complicate your life, causing additional stress

• Get plenty of rest – it’s hard to deal with the stress that causes chronic back pain when you’re not well rested

And by all means, make sure you’re staying up to date with your chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic care helps to “reset” the nervous system so you are better able to fight the negative effects of stress. We certainly see an increase in stress-related back pain as a result of these uncertain times. We want to help you to weather these times, feeling healthy and pain free, so you can deal with whatever comes your way.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome "It's Not Always What You Think"

Spine-Shoulder-Elbow-Wrist Connection

Headaches and Neck Pain
Just as headaches are often related to the spine, so can numb and tingling fingers, wrist, elbow and shoulder pain!
You have tingling in your wrist and fingers and…you work on a Blackberry and computer all day, or you’re a grocery store clerk, or maybe even an assembly line worker. Could that have something to do with it? Could it be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? And if it is, are pain relievers, wrist cuffs and surgery your only alternatives for relief of this condition?

That tingling you feel in your wrist and fingers may be related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or it may be related to something else. But in any case, people with spinal problems, particularly in the lower cervical spine (neck area) or upper thoracic spine (upper back area) or who have some type of nerve/joint dysfunction may be prone to these symptoms as well. Repetitive strain ailments, such as CTS, often are linked to other injury sites on the body; this is known as a “Double Crush” Syndrome.

In our practice, when we assess a patient for tingling in the wrist and fingers, it is important that we examine the entire arm and neck to trace the nerve(s) involved back to what may be the actual origin of the problem. Failure to properly identify a “Double Crush” in the case of CTS or another finger/wrist problem could lead to unnecessary and unsuccessful surgery if the real problem is nerve interference due to neck injury/trauma or subluxation!

Because chiropractors are knowledgeable about bones, nerves and ligaments, we are able to perform the proper examination, diagnostic testing, evaluation and assessment so we can administer specific adjustments for CTS and other wrist/finger conditions that have been proven to reduce the need for drugs and surgery.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Solutions for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Solutions for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Exercise and Fitness Minneapolis, MN

Like most new injuries, the application of ice can help reduce inflammation.
Your rotator cuff is made up of four tendons that attach four muscles to your upper arm so you can freely move your shoulder, the joint with the widest range of motion in your body. Think about all the things you do, from raising your arm, to reaching for something, to swinging a golf club or a tennis racket, to driving a car – all require free movement of the shoulder joint.

Unfortunately, because of the shallowness of the shoulder socket, the shoulder joint is one that is most prone to injury from sports and falls. If one of the rotator cuff tendons is partially torn, pain and restricted movement result. If there is a complete tear, the muscle supported by the affected tendon can affect shoulder movement and cause muscle pain and weakness.

When a rotator cuff injury is serious enough that it irritates the nerves that pass through the shoulder joint, this is known as rotator cuff impingement. Impingement can produce tingling sensations and numbness down to the hand and fingers, in addition to pain. It is often part of the aging process because the muscles and tendons that support the shoulder tend to weaken.

Traditional approaches to rotator cuff injuries include rest, ice/heat applications, the use of over-the-counter pain relievers, steroids, exercise and physical therapy. For a rotator cuff that is completely torn, surgery is usually recommended. But that too has its drawbacks and rarely results in complete healing.

Is there a natural alternative? Certainly there is, the kind of care that we administer in this office – safe, gentle chiropractic care that addresses the cause of your shoulder problem, not the symptoms.

Chiropractic care helps to restore the health of your spine and neck and this often relieves pressure that is causing your shoulder pain. Because an accident or injury to the shoulder may cause the misalignment of vertebrae in your neck, chiropractic adjustments are an effective means to reposition the vertebrae, restoring proper alignment, increasing shoulder mobility, and relieving pain.

Of course, we might also suggest some complementary approaches to help relieve your shoulder pain that include moist heat, ice packs, traction, massage or stretching and strengthening exercises. We would be more than happy to discuss all your options at you next visit.

Strength Training vs. Endurance Training Which Is Best?

Strength vs. Endurance

Improving strength and endurance are both beneficial - in different ways.

When it comes to exercise and fitness, there are basically two types of training or exercise – strength and endurance. Most athletes combine both for maximum performance.

So…what’s the difference between strength and endurance?

Strength involves the ability to do something that takes a lot of energy or “muscle” over a relatively short period of time, such as picking up and moving a heavy box.

Endurance involves the ability to do something that takes only a moderate amount of energy, or doing something repetitive, over a longer period of time, such as running a marathon.

Strength training, which involves the use of weights, has a number of benefits:
• Builds lean muscle, which increases metabolism to help you lose weight
• Strengthens muscles to assist with everyday activities, such as lifting bags and carrying children, and strengthens bones, which in turn lowers your risk for osteoporosis
• Strengthens ligaments and tendons to help you avoid injury
• Helps to reduce joint pain, such as arthritis pain
• Assists in physical therapy for injuries resulting from accidents, as well as after hospital stays
• Adds variety to your exercise routine
• Reduces stress, builds positive body image, increases confidence

Endurance training generally involves some type of aerobic exercise, such as running, cycling, circuit training or swimming to build stamina. The benefits of endurance training are primarily cardiovascular – it increases oxygen-rich blood flow throughout your body, reduces plaque in the arteries (cholesterol) and reduces the risk for stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. It also helps you to lose weight and it releases brain chemicals (endorphins) that improve mood and reduce depression/anxiety symptoms.

Most people combine both types of training for maximum benefit. When addressing neck and back injuries, endurance training is most beneficial for reducing pain and increasing function. Along with regular chiropractic care, we can suggest appropriate exercises for you if you are suffering from back and neck pain.
Roseville, MN Chiropractor

A Chiropractor's Education


College classroom

In many ways, the education today’s chiropractic doctor receives is comparable to what a medical practitioner receives.

These days, the education that a chiropractor receives is quite similar to what medical practitioners receive.
In fact, a recent study says that chiropractic and medical curricula are “more similar than dissimilar.” Some chiropractic colleges require a Bachelor’s degree before enrollment. A doctor of chiropractic’s training generally requires a minimum of five years of college study.

Obviously, medical doctors receive additional training in pharmacology and surgery, whereas chiropractors focus more on physiology, pathology and spinal adjusting techniques.

After passing board examinations and state licensing requirements, today’s chiropractor, like all types of doctors, must attend continuing education classes for relicensure and to stay current on the latest scientific research.

Chiropractic Hours-Top
Medical Hours-Bottom

Diagnosis, Dermatology, ENT

SOURCE: Classroom hours based on the review of curriculum catalogs from eleven chiropractic colleges and twenty-two medical schools in the United States (1996).

Pain As a Warning Sign

If you’re experiencing pain, making it go away is an understandable goal. What is the purpose of pain? Why are we equipped to experience this unpleasant feeling?

Identify Limits
Pain is a way our body tells us we’ve reached a boundary. When our finger exceeds the limits of the joint function for which it was designed for, we experience pain.

Montage of road signs
Like highway signs, pain is a warning sign. Ignore it at your own risk!

Provide Warning
Pain is a signal our body uses to alert us that something isn’t working correctly. Physical pain, social pain and even psychological pain is a warning that something must change.

Avoid Injury
Ultimately, pain is a form of self-protection. Without experiencing pain, we might do more serious, irreversible damage to ourselves.

Understandably, we want pain to disappear. A convenient way is to ingest a drug that covers-up or fools the body. As you might expect, this strategy can make the underlying problem worsen, making it more difficult and expensive to correct.

Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Tell Others About Chiropractic

How to Tell Others About Chiropractic

Chiropractic doesn't benefit from huge advertising campaigns or media coverage like those enjoyed by the drug industry.
Lucky for us, a recommendation from you is more powerful than all the advertising in the world. How can you introduce others to chiropractic? Here are a few simple ideas:

Be Confident. Know that chiropractic has helped a lot of people with all different types of health problems. A better working nervous system can help just about anyone, whatever their current health status may be.

Tell Your Story. Let friends and coworkers know how you've been helped with chiropractic care. Explain how chiropractic works and your experiences in our practice.

Answer Questions. Most people have heard many myths and misconceptions about chiropractic, and they may have a lot of questions as a result. Simply share your experiences, which will help dispel their fear of the unknown. Remind them that, just as there are great and not so great dentists, it's no reason to write off dentistry!

Ask For Help. We have some printed information we can equip you with to help answer questions that your friends and family may have. Or, have them call us. I'm happy to answer questions over the phone without cost or obligation.

Email A Friend. Forward any page from our website to someone you think we can help. It's a great way to offer hope and encouragement. Then, let them decide if chiropractic makes sense.
It's a great feeling when you help others. It's something we get to experience every day. You can enjoy that same great feeling too.

Introducing Dr. You

Introducing Dr. You

Regardless of a doctor's specialty, the prestige of the school they graduated from or their years of experience, they can't cure headaches, mend broken bones or heal a wound. Only you can do that... If your healing ability isn't impaired.

Your inborn healing ability is responsible for the tremendous success that chiropractic patients enjoy. The only thing doctors can do, regardless of their discipline, is to help reduce barriers to the incredible healing ability you were born with.

Which is why all of us at Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic are interested in your nervous system. It's what controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. The nerves along your spine are the most vulnerable part of your nervous system. By reducing nervous system compromise from the moving bones of your spine, Dr. You takes over and does the healing!
How does it feel to be a doctor? Do you know anyone whose healing ability needs a boost?

Shoreview Chiropractic

Why Do Some Get Sick?

Every grade school child learns that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Yet, few know who discovered chiropractic. But more fascinating is why chiropractic was discovered.

Take yourself back over a hundred years ago to a time when "patent medicines" flourished. These were often sold as cure alls whose active ingredients were usually alcohol, cocaine, arsenic and other dangerous substances.

In the midst of this, a healer, experimenter and freethinker by the name of Daniel David Palmer in Davenport, Iowa asked a simple question:

"I desired to know why one person was ailing and his associate eating at the same table, working in the same shop was not. Why? What difference was there in the two persons that caused one to have pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid or rheumatism, while his partner, similarly situated, escaped? Why?"

At a time when germs were given the blame for virtually every disease, this was a groundbreaking way of framing the question about health. Germs alone couldn't be the cause of disease, otherwise everyone would get sick.
Chiropractic came into existence soon afterwards. D.D. Palmer discovered that it's smarter to look at the person with the disease, rather than the disease in the person. Revolutionary then - and revolutionary now!

Shoreview Chiropractor

Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Do We Get Osteoporosis?

Why Do We Lose Bone Density?

Gargoyles are supposed to look like this… people aren’t! There are simple steps you can take to help minimize the effects of osteoporosis.

St Paul, MN Women's Health Issues

Gargoyles are supposed to look like this… people aren’t! There are simple steps you can take to help minimize the effects of osteoporosis.

Low bone density (osteoporosis) puts many women above the age of 50 or after menopause at risk for bone fractures. While there is very little you can do to treat osteoporosis, there are preventative measures you can take to lower your risk of developing this condition.
Bone density, also called bone mass, continues to grow from childhood through to early adulthood in both men and women. After that, both men and women start to lose bone density at a very gradual rate until women reach menopause, where there is a dramatic decrease in bone density for several years.

What causes this dramatic decrease in bone density? Bones are made of calcium and other minerals that make them strong. As you grow, bones are in a constant state of repair and renewal. Once you reach your thirties, you start to lose bone mass, but there are physical processes, habits and behaviors that increase the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis, especially in women. These include:

• Decrease in levels of hormones (estrogen in women and testosterone in men)
• Smoking
• Excessive alcohol consumption
• Lack of exercise
• Lack of calcium and vitamin D in diet
• Genetics
• Medications
• Chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer, especially breast and prostate cancers
• Being small and thin in stature
• Anorexia

Although osteoporosis cannot be cured once you have it, there are certain things you can do to slow down both the rate and level of bone loss. Exercise, modifying your diet, increasing vitamin D and calcium intake or taking supplements (calcium citrate), quitting smoking and closely monitoring alcohol consumption can slow down the rate at which bone loss occurs.

Many are under the false impression that you cannot have chiropractic care with osteoporosis. On the contrary, chiropractors are skilled in giving low-force adjustments to patients with osteoporosis. In addition, we may be able to suggest certain supplements or weight-bearing exercises that slow the rate of further bone loss. Please feel free to talk to us about any concerns you might have.

St Paul, MN Chiropractor

An Ear Infection… Again! What Can You Do?

An Ear Infection… Again!

St Paul, MN Children's Health

Another visit to the doctor for yet another ear infection… There’s got to be a better solution!
You wake up in the middle of the night to that piercing cry… again. It can’t be… but it is… your child has another ear infection. And while it’s heartbreaking to see any child in pain, when it’s your own and it’s the middle of the night, you feel helpless, knowing that there’s little you can do but wait until morning.

Ear infections account for more visits to a medical practitioner's office than any other illness or condition. About 50% of all children will have their first ear infection before their first birthday, while two-thirds will have had one or more by the age of three.

Ear infections can be either bacterial or viral in nature. Fever, cold or other upper respiratory symptoms may also be present along with ear pain. Although antibiotics are frequently prescribed, if the infection is viral, these are of no use at all.

Unfortunately for some children ear infections keep reoccurring, bringing yet another round of antibiotics, which encourages the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. At some point in this cycle, ear tube surgery may be recommended.

Many parents have found that the number and frequency of ear infections in their children decreased following chiropractic adjustments. And although chiropractors don’t treat ear infections, many young patients experience increased immunity that helps their bodies fight all types of infection.

In one study, 80% of the children who received chiropractic adjustments were ear infection-free for at least six months following their first visit. They also received maintenance adjustments every four to six weeks.

Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments in the spine that can irritate nerves and interfere with the body’s ability to function properly. These misalignments can occur as the result of a fall, an injury, or even the birth process because of the amount of force that’s exerted on an infant’s neck and spine.

By adjusting your child’s neck with gentle, low force pressure the misalignment can be corrected and normal function can return. Your child’s body is then able to heal on its own, without drugs and surgery.

If you have a child who experiences frequent ear infections, please call our practice so that we may arrange a spinal examination for your child – so that maybe everyone can get a better night’s sleep.

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor Dr Douglas Yost

What Is A Circadian Rhythm & How Does It Affect Your Health?

Circadian What?

St Paul, MN Exercise and Fitness Tips

What do you do when your watch says 4:00 but your body thinks it's time for bed?
Have you ever heard the term “Circadian Dysrhythmia”? It’s hard to even say it let alone know what it means! Circadian Dysrhythmia is a fancy medical term for “jet lag”! You experience jet lag when there’s a disruption in your circadian rhythm – your body’s natural 24-hour clock – due to travel across time zones.

Circadian rhythms act as a biological “clock,” and they have a direct effect on many processes in your body. Darkness and light, body temperature, meal times, exercise and stress have an influence on an individual’s circadian rhythm.

Have you ever known a person who can wake up, full of life, at the crack of dawn, just as the sun is beginning to rise? This same person probably begins to wind down at 8 p.m. and is in bed, sound asleep at 10 p.m.

What happens when this same person travels to a destination where the time is six hours earlier? This person leaves on a plane at say 9 a.m. travelling from London to New York. The flight is 7 hours long and when they land, it’s 11a.m. in New York but it’s 4 London! So…somewhere around 5 p.m. New York time (10 p.m. London time), this same person starts to yawn, because according to his or her internal clock, it’s bedtime, only the sun is still out!
You can see where this starts to get confusing and we haven’t even brought this person back to London yet where the same thing happens all over again!

And it’s not just frequent fliers who have circadian rhythm problems. Those who perform shift work, such as policemen and hospital workers, deal with this same issue every time their shifts change. This frequent resetting of one’s internal clock can cause sleep problems, such as insomnia or waking too early. Chronic disruption of one’s normal circadian rhythms, (i.e., shift work) can result in an increased risk for heart, gastrointestinal, emotional and mental problems.
Paolo Sassone-Corsi, researcher, professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of California, Irvine, states, “Our circadian rhythms and metabolism are closely partnered to ensure that cells function properly and remain healthy. When the balance between these two vital processes is upset, normal cellular function can be disrupted and this can lead to illness and disease.”

Research performed by Sassone-Corsi suggests that a way to correct your circadian rhythm is through proper sleep and diet. For example, establish a schedule of going to bed and waking at the same time every day (weekends included).
And… regular chiropractic adjustment may help you deal with the stress of shift work and frequent travel! Make an appointment to see us today!

St Paul, MN Chiropractic

Do You Want More Energy?

Want More Energy? Avoid Sugar!

St Paul, MN Diet Tips

Forget the calories, this sugary snack will rob you of energy and play havoc with your mood!

Feeling a bit sluggish? Anxious? Depressed? Before you reach for that candy bar or sweet roll as “comfort food,” you’d better read this!
While sugar may give you the quick “jolt” of energy you need and make you feel better initially, it’s followed by an equally quick “letdown.” Eating sugar causes erratic swings in your blood sugar levels which affect your moods and your energy levels. Many people experience continuous rapid fluctuations as they eat even more sugar to “bounce back” from the lows!

The holidays offer prime opportunities for increased sugar consumption. So… before eating another piece of chocolate, another cookie, or another piece of cake… consider these alternatives that give you energy and boost your mood – especially important during this time of the year.
• Drink lots of water (1/2 your body weight in ounces/millilitres per day) to avoid dehydration and combat fatigue.
• Eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fats (e.g., salmon, walnuts and olive oil) that boost your mood naturally!
• Consider eating a banana or drinking a banana smoothie made with a banana, ice and skim milk. Bananas and green, leafy vegetables help to release more dopamine in the brain, a chemical that has “feel good” effects on mood.
• Try to eat 4-5 meals per day to keep blood sugar levels steady and provide the energy you need to keep you going throughout the day.
• Drink a soothing cup of black tea to calm stress and help you relax.
• Increase the amount of protein in your diet to help you stay alert. Try a grilled chicken sandwich or some black bean soup for lunch to supply the energy to stay focused through the usually “sluggish” afternoon hours.
• Eat an apple or another type of fruit that contains natural sugar, is easily digested, and provides vital nutrition to keep your engine running!
• Don’t skip breakfast. You’ve heard it many times and it’s true – breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the fuel you need to get going after the long period of fasting while you’re asleep.
• Eat whole grains found in bread, brown rice, and sugar-free cereals. Whole grains are loaded with essential amino acids that the body isn’t able to produce on its own. Amino acids are vital to the brain because they produce neurotransmitters, which are necessary for proper nervous system function. Whole grains also digest slowly, keeping blood sugar and energy levels balanced throughout the day.

Of course chiropractic care can also help to keep your nervous system running at peak performance, especially important at this time of the year when you’re under some added stress! So make sure you schedule us in too, along with all your other holiday plans!

St Paul, MN Chiropractor

6 Tips To Reduce Holiday Stress

It’s Holiday Season – More Stress!

St Paul, MN Holiday Stress Tips

Enjoying a relaxed meal with family and friends is more in keeping with the holiday spirit than creating a fancy production that leaves you stressed and irritable.

The holidays are often a time for celebration with family and friends. But for many, especially busy working moms, the holidays result in only one thing – more stress! When you add all those holiday-related tasks to a daily routine that’s already hectic – you have all the makings of a major holiday meltdown!

And then… there are the expectations of holiday fun and frivolity with family members near and far. For many, these family get-togethers quickly dissolve into bickering, bantering and out-and-out hostility!

So… what can you do to limit that stress and really enjoy the holidays?

• If finances are a problem this year – you are not alone. Give hand-made gifts or bake some holiday treats. Budget a set amount for gifts and stick to it! Agree with friends and family members that this a good time for everyone to “take a year off.” Or better yet… give the gift of a memory – plan a special outing with those on your gift list!
• Don’t over-indulge in drinking, eating, spending or late nights. You’ll pay for these over-indulgences and could pay dearly in terms of your health.
• Start a new family tradition of giving to others. Participate in your church’s “Giving Tree.” Give a “Toys for Tots” gift. Give an anonymous gift to a family in your community who may have fallen on hard times or lost a family member. Help fill up a food bank – or volunteer at one! Giving of yourself is the best gift – for you and others too.
• Exercise – 30 minutes is all it takes to help you de-stress. And… it’s great for releasing endorphins – those incredible “feel good” brain chemicals!
• Keep it simple – no need to go “over-the-top” and elaborate. Your friends and family would rather have you relax with them instead of rushing around or obsessing over your menu in the kitchen!
• Relax. No one and nothing is perfect. You’re human. You’re one person. Resolve to try not to be all things to all people and to take care of you this holiday season!

One way to take care of you is to recognize that the three types of stress – emotional, physical and chemical – are at an all-time high during the holidays. It’s important to have your spine checked to correct subluxations so you can have a healthy nervous system that easily “shakes off” that extra holiday stress. We’ll be looking for you!

Shoreview, MN Chiropractic Clinic

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Are The Secrets of the Super Healthy?

Secrets of the Super-Healthy

Can hanging out with your friends actually help you live longer?
We all know someone, maybe even several people, who are healthy no matter what “bug” is going around. You know, the ones who show up on the job every day, who never use a single sick day all year. They seem to have been born with super healthy genes or powerful immunity to disease that helps them move easily through their lives – upbeat, positive and happy.

What are they doing that you’re not? Maybe if you do what they do you’ll get what they get! Here are some tips for healthy living that you can use to be more like them, instead of being envious of them!

• Exercise to raise your heart rate, oxygenate cells, increase circulation (which increases white blood cell count – the cells that fight disease), release endorphins (“feel good” brain chemicals), strengthen bones and muscles, release stress, gain energy and lose weight. There are so many benefits to exercise and you can accomplish all this with a 30-minute brisk walk daily!
• Drink green tea and eat plenty of broccoli and apples. They contain an antioxidant (quercetin) that helps the immune system when it’s under stress.
• Stop worrying – worry produces stress, which produces high levels of cortisol and other stress hormones. These stress hormones lower immunity, and consequently increase your chance of becoming ill.
• Maintain a positive attitude – those who think positive thoughts, despite what’s going on around them, have healthier lives as well.
• Develop a diverse network of friends – according to research, those who are extroverted and who spend time among different groups of people are less prone to heart disease and live longer.
• Sleep – 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, night after night, builds immunity to keep you healthier.
• Take care of your dental health – gum disease can hurt more than your teeth and gums. The bacteria in your mouth can cause other diseases in your body as well.
• Avoid excessive caffeine intake and mood-altering lifestyle drugs that can have some serious long-term negative health effects.
• Meditate and pray regularly – prayer and meditation helps to ease stress and bring about faith that “all will be well,” decreasing stress that lowers immune system function.
• Avoid processed foods, fast food and sugar - incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. A high fiber, low calorie, low fat diet is the best way to eat to stay heart healthy.

And, of course, it goes without saying that maintaining a healthy nervous system through regular chiropractic adjustments is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Many of our long-term patients claim that they are never sick, no matter what “bug” is going around or how much stress is in their lives. They feel equipped to deal with anything that comes their way and their yearly physicals confirm that fact!

Shoreview, MN Chiropractic Care

What Makes Our Muscles Tight?

What Makes Muscles Tight?

Shoreview, MN Backaches

Over extension is just one of many causes of muscle strain.

You probably know someone who, at some point, was prescribed muscle “relaxers” to ease the pain of a muscle strain or spasm. These medications help to relieve the pain and discomfort of a tight muscle, but they don’t do a whole lot to address the reason why the muscle is tight in the first place!

Your body contains about seven hundred muscles. Some, like skeletal muscles, are voluntary, meaning you control them through your nervous system when you move bones or exercise for instance. Other muscles, such as the ones found in your organs, work on their own without you doing anything to help them along.

Muscle strains in the back and neck usually result from overuse, overextension, poor posture and failure to stretch the muscles properly either before or after exercise. Muscles become tight to protect themselves but this cuts off the blood supply they need to stay healthy.

Muscle relaxers are often prescribed to ease the pain and spasms associated with tight or torn muscles, but they do nothing to heal these injuries and can, in fact, make them worse. When pain subsides because of these medications the sufferer may believe that the muscle is better, resuming normal activity that can injure the muscle even further. Muscle relaxers can also cause drowsiness/dizziness that makes it impossible to perform certain tasks, such as driving.

So what’s the alternative? Chiropractic care of course! A study that appeared in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported on the results from a clinical trial that compared chiropractic adjustments to muscle relaxers for low back pain.
The study concluded that chiropractic adjustments were more effective than placebos in reducing pain and more effective than both muscle relaxers and placebos in reducing the severity of the symptoms that were documented before the study began.

Gentle chiropractic care is often effective in relieving pain and relaxing muscle tightness, allowing the body to heal on its own. If you or someone you know is interested in more information about chiropractic care for muscle strain, please give our practice a call.

Shoreview, MN Muscle Strain Sprain Relief

What Are Some Common Headache Triggers?

Pretty manicure? Or instant headache?
Shoreview, MN Headache Relief
Common Headache Triggers

Whether you’re a frequent sufferer or not, do you know what might trigger your headaches? If you’re a migraine sufferer you might have some idea, but most people really don’t know at all. They just reach for the medicine cabinet whenever one strikes instead of trying to avoid it in the first place!

Common headache triggers include:
• Stress – Hectic lives and daily work and family pressures often result in tension and migraine headaches. Try to take a break once a day just for you – to relax and unwind, stress-free!
• Sleep – Either too much or too little can trigger headaches in some people. Try to keep a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day – even on your days off!
• Diet – Most migraine sufferers know that certain foods, such as red wine, chocolate, MSG, aged cheese, caffeine and processed foods can bring on a headache. Keep in mind that not eating can also cause headaches – especially in women!
• Smells – Strong odors, such as nail polish, smoke, paint, perfume, and cleaning products, can cause headaches in certain people. If you can identify the odors that trigger your headaches you may be able to avoid some of those offenders.
• Eye strain – If you stare at a computer monitor all day or you squint constantly because you need glasses, you might experience frequent headaches. Take a break from staring at the computer screen every 20 minutes or so and be sure to have your eyes checked!
• Poor posture – If you walk around with hunched shoulders or hold a phone between your shoulder and chin or sit in a chair all day without proper back support – you might get frequent tension headaches.

Try keeping a headache diary that answers these types of questions:

• “What did I eat or drink right before getting the headache?”
• “Did I sleep too little/too much last night?”
• “Am I under a lot of stress in my job?”
• “Am I staring at a computer monitor for too long without taking a break?”

Chiropractic care has shown impressive results in helping patients who have frequent headaches. Please let us know if you’re having this problem so that we can offer you the help you might need!

Shoreview, MN Headache Relief

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Catch a Cold In Minneapolis, MN

Some people seem to expect a bout with a cold or the flu each year. If you haven’t had your quota yet, here are some things you can do:

Eat a poor diet. If you want to catch a cold, make sure your body lacks the vitamins and minerals it needs to keep itself in good repair. Eat lots of processed foods, stripped of their nutritional value.

Avoid adequate rest. Deprive yourself of adequate rest. Stay up late and reduce the time you sleep as much as possible. Use tobacco, coffee and other stimulants to fool yourself into thinking you have more than enough energy.

Stop exercising. Reduce the effectiveness of your immune and lymphatic systems. Unlike the circulatory system, your lymphatic system depends upon exercise and movement to circulate these germ-fighting fluids, so sit on the couch and stare at the TV.

Rarely wash your hands. Increase your chances of catching a cold by compromising your personal hygiene. Remember to use your dirty hands and fingers to rub your eyes, pick your nose or wipe your lips.

Think negative thoughts. Look for opportunities to visualize having a cold. Pay attention to news reports about outbreaks of the flu and pay close attention to advertising that sells medications for cold sufferers.

Invite stress. Stress yourself physically by experiencing extreme temperature and humidity changes. Stress yourself mentally with constant worry or fear.

Become dehydrated. Avoid drinking enough water. Reduce the effectiveness of your natural defense mechanisms and other bodily functions by carefully avoiding fluids.

Forget your appointments. Ignore your nervous system, the master control of your immune system. Avoid these preventive strategies and shun our suggestions of periodic chiropractic checkups to help you stay well.

Of course we’re joking!
The only way to catch a cold or the flu is to make yourself a hospitable host to the millions of cold and flu germs around you every day. Include regular chiropractic care to keep you working at your very best.

Minnesota Chiropractor Dr Douglas Yost

How Can I Get My Spouse To Come In To A Chiropractor In Shoreview, MN?

It's a question we hear all the time. If you’ve experienced great results from care in our office, it’s only natural to want someone you love to benefit too. Here are some approaches you may find more helpful than threats.

Ask questions. Rather than judge their unwillingness to try chiropractic, become curious. Since our behaviors are the result of our beliefs (conscious and unconscious), try to find out what belief(s) are standing in the way. Often it’s some unfounded fear or misconception. Find out what the real issue is.

Supply information. One of the best ways to defuse irrational fears is by sharing information. Let us know how we can help. What could we do to equip you with the information you need to make a difference?

Offer an invitation. We are open and welcoming to skeptics, doubters and cynics! We stand ready to field phone calls—even anonymous ones. Or bring your loved one with you to take an office tour on your next visit.

Give it time. Change takes time. Whether it’s making changes to the spine or changing someone’s beliefs. Be patient. Trust that your friend or family member will choose chiropractic if and when the time is right.

Every bodily function, controlled by our nervous system, is the key idea behind chiropractic. And since we experience our lives through our nervous systems, the decision to use chiropractic has huge implications. When you tell others, you’re changing the world. Congratulations!

St Paul, MN Chiropractor

Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Reasons NOT to Eat Sugar!

10 Reasons NOT to Eat Sugar!

Sugar, in its many forms, is an increasingly common ingredient in processed foods. Many of us eat the equivalent of 53 heaping teaspoons of white sugar every day!

Here are ten reasons to avoid refined (white) sugar:

1. Sugar contributes to tooth decay because it decreases the effectiveness of a particular type of white blood cell that “eats” bacteria.

2. Sugar causes the body to release more adrenalin, which may explain hyperactivity in young children.

3. Calcium loss in urine occurs when a person consumes a soft drink containing sugar.

4. Ingesting sugar makes the pancreas work harder to produce insulin. Diabetes results when the overworked pancreas can no longer eliminate sugar from the blood stream.

5. Bleached with chlorine, when white refined sugar is exposed to certain organic compounds it converts to dioxin, a lethal compound.

6. Sugar can hinder weight loss because high insulin levels (see #4 above) cause the body to store excess carbohydrates as fat.

7. Sugar increases the likelihood of chronic fatigue.

8. Sugar increases mood swings, irritability and anxiety.

9. Sugar compromises the immune system because it lowers the efficiency of white blood cells for a minimum of five hours.

10. Eating sugar can decrease helpful high-density cholesterol (HDLs) and result in an increase in harmful cholesterol (LDLs).

Need to sweeten your food? Add raisins, dates or honey. Stevia is also a safer alternative. It’s available in several forms, has no calories and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. Clearly, a better choice to satisfy any sweet tooth!

St Paul, Mn Chiropractor

Do I Need Antibacterial Soap?

By the looks of most bathrooms these days, just about everyone is using antibacterial soaps. In fact, it takes some effort to find soap that isn’t antibacterial.

Advertising teaches us to fear germs. You sell more antibacterial soap that way. It’s even marketed as a preventive measure against colds and flu. The problem? Colds and flu are viral, so anti-bacterial products have no effect. Antibacterial soaps contain carcinogens, are no more effective in killing germs than regular soap and are probably responsible for breeding stronger, more resistant strains of bacteria.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control agrees. It recommends that the most effective way to reduce the spread of infectious disease is washing our hands. But anti-bacterial soaps are not necessary. Neither is scalding hot water, since our hands can’t withstand the temperatures necessary to kill germs with heat.

Experts recommend that you use a combination of soap and comfortably warm water. Rub all surfaces of the hands for at least 20 seconds, especially under your fingernails. The soap and scrubbing action, along with the slippery surface created by the soap, do the trick.

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor Dr Douglas Yost

Friday, October 16, 2009

How To Be A Fit and Healthy Senior

Exercise and fitness

Exercising your body helps keep your brain fit, too!

Fit and Healthy Seniors

Many people mistakenly think that memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s and other ailments are an inevitable part of the aging process. How many times have you heard an older person say, “Just wait until you’re my age and see how much you remember!” Or, “Seems as though I am at a different doctor’s office every other day. It’s no fun to get old.”

Does aging really have to be that traumatic both physically and mentally? Many people seem to believe that’s just the way it is and there is very little you can do about it. Not so…or at least it doesn’t have to be that way!

There are a number of ways to keep your brain sharp and your body in good shape as you age. Here are some ways to remain fit and healthy as you enter your “golden years”:

• Stay active – 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day (you can do three 10 minute intervals if that’s easier) helps to boost the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain. And that oxygen “rush” can help to improve your memory and your reaction time – something else that tends to slow down as you get older!
Regular exercise also helps to strengthen bones and promotes a healthy weight - benefits that can reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease – two conditions that can also affect normal brain function.
A Canadian study concluded that when folks over the age of 65 engage in regular exercise, they reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s, dementia and a decline in mental functioning. This is especially true for women.

• Make sure your diet is healthy – This is as important for your brain as it is for your body. Whole grains, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish help keep your body healthy. Carbohydrates found in these foods, along with the omega 3 fats found in fresh fish, provide energy to the brain to keep it healthy.

• Exercise your brain by doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, reading and being with friends.

• Control stress – Another great benefit of exercise! Learn relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing. Stress produces a hormone known as cortisol, which can negatively affect brain function.

• Be aware that certain illnesses and medications can also have an effect on your mental health.
• Continue to get regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your central nervous system in good working condition. When your nervous system is healthy, your body and mind reap health benefits as well.

And remember… we’re always available to address any concerns you might have about the aging process and its effects on your body and your brain!

Roseville, MN Chiropractor

Drug-Free Stress Busters

Drug-Free Stress Busters

Stress management

Something simple and inexpensive – and fun! – like game night with your family can do wonders for your stress levels.
Seems as though everyone is affected by stress to some extent these days. The world can be a pretty scary place when you factor in fear of losing your job, diminished equity in retirement accounts, investments and real estate, businesses closing their doors… So it’s really no wonder stress levels are at an all-time high!

So what do you do when you feel stressed? Do you reach for a pill or a glass of wine to calm you down? Do you escape into sleep in the confines of your room? Do you call a friend, attend a support group meeting or schedule a therapy session? Are some choices better than others? Of course they are…

If you’re looking for an all-natural stress buster, try one of these:

• Prayer – Many people find that prayer helps in times of emotional stress. The very act of praying for stress relief can lower blood pressure. Many find additional peace and comfort in prayer, meditation and religous services.

• Sleep – No, not crawling under the covers and hibernating – a regular sleep schedule with soothing, restful sleep. Can’t fall asleep? Many find that a warm shower and a good book do the trick!

• Massage – You don’t have to splurge on an expensive spa massage – have your partner or a family member give you one to ease the stress in those tight muscles – and then reciprocate!
• Ask forgiveness from someone you’ve hurt or forgive someone who has hurt you – Either way, you release pent up anger, resentment or guilt that is only hurting you. Get that heavy weight off your shoulders!

• Enjoy the simple pleasures – Take your children for an ice cream cone, get a free makeover in a department store, curl up with your cat or dog, snuggle with your special someone, brew a cup of chai or camomile tea and sip it with your feet up, watch a funny movie and laugh to release those endorphins, play a family board game, go to a bookstore and just meander, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, watch the sunset at the beach – you get the idea – something simple, relaxing and inexpensive.

• Keep to your chiropractic adjustment schedule – Stress can really take a toll on your body. In fact, it can make you downright sick. The effects of too much stress (physical, emotional and/or chemical) can actually kill you. Chiropractic adjustments help your body stay healthy no matter what’s stressing you. And it’s far healthier than reaching for that pill or potion!
Let’s face it… stress is inevitable – but it doesn’t have to make you sick. Got stress? Get adjusted!

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor Dr Douglas Yost

Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Diet and Nutrition

Healthy foods like fish high in Omega-3 fats, leafy greens and vegetables aren’t just good for you – they’re also delicious!

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “inflammation”? Think about a time when you cut your finger and it got infected. It probably got red and swollen and it hurt too – classic symptoms of inflammation, your body’s natural response to infection. Would it surprise you to find out that your body can become inflamed because of the foods you eat?

Inflammation in your body usually occurs when you eat foods that contain flour or sugar/sweeteners. These types of food also tend to pack on the pounds and being overweight can cause inflammation, speed up the aging process and put you at risk for heart disease.

So instead of eating bagels, doughnuts, cakes, red meat, processed foods, junk foods and fast foods with unhealthy oils and trans fats that cause inflammation, try some anti-inflammatory foods that reduce inflammation and promote health:

• Fish that is rich in omega-3 fats, including wild Alaskan (not farmed) salmon, herring, halibut, snapper, striped bass and tuna

• Grass-fed beef rather than grain-fed beef; grass-fed beef is higher in omega-3 fats while grain-fed has no omega-3 fats, but plenty of saturated, pro-inflammatory fats instead

• Extra-virgin olive oil rather than vegetable oil

• Salads that contain dark green leafy vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, kale, broccoli and other vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and other nutrients that help to reduce inflammation

• Fruits, such as cherries, apples, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, oranges, lemons and limes; cherries and blueberries are especially effective anti-inflammatory fruits that are packed with antioxidants and available frozen all year round

• Herbs and spices that flavor foods but are no or low-calorie, such as turmeric, ginger, thyme, parsley, rosemary, basil, cinnamon and mint

• Green tea, which contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds that may reduce your risk of heart disease or cancer

When you replace pro-inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory foods you reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, decrease pain associated with inflammation and lower your risk for chronic heart disease. Keep up with your regular chiropractic adjustments and add some inflammation-reducing exercise and you should be well on the road to experiencing true health.

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor

What Does the Pain Feel Like?

What Does the Pain Feel Like?

Backaches and sciatica
Saying, 'It hurts,' really isn’t very descriptive. Knowing how to describe your pain can be helpful in receiving the proper treatment!

Many times, when you seek the care and advice of a health care professional for pain, their first question will be, “So… what does the pain feel like?” And how often do you have a tough time answering what appears, at least on the surface, to be a very simple question?

Feelings of physical pain can vary greatly not only from one condition to the next, but for the same condition in different patients. Pain is often described as mild, sharp, severe, dull, intermittent, chronic, or tingly. These are adjectives that describe the sensation of the pain, but there are three different types of pain, based on where it occurs in your body:

Somatic Pain

You feel somatic pain when there is an injury to the skin or underlying tissue. This pain is usually sharp and of short duration, the kind of pain that occurs when you burn your hand on a hot pan or cut your finger with a knife.
Sometimes, somatic pain begins deeper under the skin in ligaments, tendons or bones. This type of pain tends to be a longer lasting, duller ache – the type of pain you might experience when you sprain your ankle or break a bone.

Visceral Pain

You feel visceral pain when there is something wrong with one of your internal organs (i.e. heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, bladder, uterus, and ovaries). This pain is often described as an “aching” or “cramping,” such as the pain many women feel as part of pre-menstrual syndrome.
One of the problems with internal organs is that many do not have sensitive pain receptors. In fact, diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys may not produce any pain and may be fairly advanced before you even notice that something is wrong. On the other hand, relatively minor problems with the stomach or bladder can produce severe pain!

Neuropathic Pain

Also called nerve pain, neuropathic pain is often described as a sensation of numbness, pressure, tingling, pins and needles, tightness, throbbing, burning, or aching. Nerve pain can result from nerve compression (i.e. a cancerous growth pushing on a nerve), nerve damage from a disease (such as diabetes, fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis), or abnormal brain processing, such as the phantom limb pain that a person may feel from an amputated limb.

Sciatica and other types of back pain can result when spinal bones press on nerves. The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to free those nerves to function as they should, allowing the area affected by the “pinched” nerve to heal.

Many of our patients who once suffered from some type of neuropathic pain are now pain-free because of regular chiropractic adjustments! If you are experiencing any type of pain, be sure to mention it the next time you come in to see us.

Shoreview, MN Pain Relief

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Truth About Insurance

The Truth About Insurance

It used to be, you’d visit a doctor, wave your insurance card and the bill was taken care of. Times have changed, especially with the talk of a health reform bill.

Sick Care

Your policy won’t pay for things that actually advance or preserve your health, such as wellness chiropractic care.

The truth is, so-called “health” care is actually “sick” care. It has little to do with promoting health. It’s mostly about reducing symptoms with drugs or surgically removing body parts when they fail.

Most policies help cover some sick care costs. But, will they pay for bottled water, nutritional supplements, gym memberships, jogging shoes and other wellness activities?

Probably not.

Repeated Relapses

Most policies will help pay for chiropractic care when you have obvious symptoms. Benefits run out when you’re feeling better, but before muscles and ligaments fully heal.
This invites a relapse of your original problem. Lasting healing occurs after symptoms clear up.

Discontinuing your care too soon invites a relapse of your original problem.
If you rely on your carrier, you’re likely to suffer a roller coaster series of relapses without correcting the underlying problem!

Catastrophic Problems!

That’s because your policy was probably designed for catastrophic problems. Cancer. Triple by-pass surgery. That sort of thing. Reimbursing for chiropractic care when you don’t have any obvious symptoms is a new idea for them. may be a new idea for you too.

That’s okay. There was a time when regular brushing and flossing to promote healthy teeth and gums was a new idea!

The Solution

Will you count on the limited vision and profit motives of your carrier to dictate what you do or how far you’ll take your chiropractic care?

Or will you value your health and longevity enough to pay for the care needed to strengthen, stabilize and support your spine and nervous system?

It’s your body, your health and your future.
Whatever your decision, we’ll honor it and do what we can to help you achieve your health goals.

Roseville, Arden Hills, St Paul Chiropractor

Checking Your Spine for Misalignment

Checking Your Spine for Misalignment

Uneven weight distribution is a common sign of spinal misalignments.

During the examination on your first visit to our office, we use a number of tools and techniques to determine the presence and extent of any misalignments in your spine.

When your spine is not aligned properly, nerve interference is often the result. This can affect your entire body, even your immune system. Chiropractic care is designed to reduce this nerve interference, which then permits your body to assume its true, healthful vigor.

How do we determine whether there are misalignments in your spine? Well, we generally use a number of different diagnostic tests, which may include one or more of the following:

Bilateral scales– Two scales, set up side-by-side, determine if there are differences in weight distribution, between the left and right sides of your body.

Leg length tests– A contracted leg, causing one leg to appear shorter than the other can be a common sign of spinal misalignment.

Gait – We may have you walk as we notice any pelvic or spinal abnormalities that affect your stride or the way your heels strike the floor.

Bending – Bending in different directions and at different angles can reveal spinal problems such as inflexibility or scoliosis.

Rotation – Restricted movement when turning your head to the right or left can be a significant clue that misalignments are present.

Posture – Checking your posture from the side can reveal a forward leaning head and other postural distortions. From behind, we’ll note a high shoulder or hip.

In the early, easiest-to-correct stages, spinal misalignments often produce no noticeable symptoms. Yet. A spinal checkup in our practice can reveal problem areas that we can address before they become headaches, back pain or more serious health issues.

St Paul, MN Area Chiropractor

"But Doc, I Didn’t Do Anything!"

"But Doc, I Didn’t Do Anything!"

Backaches and Sciatica

Some of the simplest, everyday things can reveal long-standing neglect.

I can't even count how many times a patient has walked into my practice with some kind of ache or pain and said, “But, Doc, I have no idea what happened, I didn’t do anything!” Really?

What many patients don’t know, or don’t understand, is that it’s not always a case of what you did five minutes ago, or what you did yesterday, or even what you did last week that’s causing the current problem; it’s more a case of “the straw broke the camel’s back,” no pun intended!
Sometimes it’s chronic stress that wreaks havoc on your nervous system and finally causes your back to “go out” or a “pain in your neck” because of the strain of carrying the weight of all that stress on your back and neck.

Or maybe it’s some underlying long-term health problem that you’ve failed to address that finally manifests itself in pain of some sort that forces you to look at the real cause of the symptom (pain).

So, you walk outside to pick up the newspaper and you feel a sharp pain in your lower back. But picking up the newspaper certainly didn’t cause that!

Let’s use an everyday example to demonstrate. You go to the local eatery and put your purchase on your bank debit card. All of a sudden, bells and whistles go off because you didn’t have enough in your account to cover that charge. It’s not this charge that “broke the bank,” it’s all the money you spent before this purchase and the fact that you didn’t properly manage your account in the first place that put you in this predicament. Now, you’re faced with overdraft charges, embarrassment and the inconvenience of having to deal with the situation.

It’s the same with your health…ignore it and it will find a way to let you know you’re overlooking something.

The best way to stay on top of things so you don’t wind up “over spent” is to stay on schedule with your chiropractic adjustments, eat healthy foods, sleep at least eight hours each night, and learn how to manage your stress (exercise, yoga, meditation, a relaxing hobby, etc.)

Shoreview, MN Back Pain Specialist

Wii Fit: Exercise in a Video Game?

Wii Fit: Exercise in a Video Game?

Exercise and Fitness

Anything that gets you up and moving is better than doing nothing at all, even if it’s just a game.

It seems as though everyone is talking about it. Is it a video game? Is it a serious interactive workout? Just what is Wii Fit and can it really help you to stay fit?

First introduced in Japan, Wii Fit became an instant success, selling more than 1 million copies at lightning speed. The success of Wii Fit lies in the fact that it actually makes the “player” get up and move, instead of sitting like a couch potato –the way you generally play most video games. Advertised as uniting fitness and fun, the game starts by calculating your body mass index (BMI), your body control and your center of balance to arrive at your “Wii age.”

The key component to this game is the balance board that is used in different types of “games.” Games include yoga, balance, strength training, and aerobics. Because the game requires the player to move physically, it allows you to simulate action-packed adventures such as snowboarding down a mountain or even walking a tightrope!

A daily chart that comes with the software allows you to monitor your progress and set goals to challenge yourself to meet higher levels of performance.

This game could be a good way to get off the video game controller and a sedentary lifestyle. However, we think maybe the Wii people have it a little backwards when they say. “Your center of balance, the point between your left and right sides when you are standing upright, has a lot to do with your health. Those without an even center of balance will be unnaturally compensating for this imbalance, which causes their posture to become misaligned, increasing the possibility of putting unnecessary strain on their body. Wii Fit can help you learn more about your balance, and give you tips on how to improve it.”

Chiropractic looks to correct spinal misalignments that cause imbalances in your body, not the other way around. The imbalances do not create the misalignments, the misalignments create the imbalances. That is why we look at the way you stand, compare leg lengths, adjust hips, etc. – to rebalance the body and remove nerve interference that contributes to ill health.

Anything that gets you up and moving is better than doing nothing at all, but, if you want to stay indoors, a dance video might just give you a more complete calorie-burning, heart-thumping workout!

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chiropractors Are Quacks. Are You A Chiropractic Skeptic?

For Skeptics Only

Are you skeptical?

It's okay to be skeptical. But learn the simple facts about today's chiropractic.
If chiropractic care seems promising, but you have doubts, join the club. Chiropractic is different. And it is this difference that has brought results to millions since 1895 and caused them to rethink the nature of health and the role of chiropractic care in it.

Once and for all, let’s put to rest some of the most common myths:

Chiropractic isn’t scientific.
Chiropractors are poorly educated.
Chiropractors aren’t real doctors.
Chiropractic adjustments cause stroke.
Once you go, you have to go for the rest of your life.
Don’t fix it if it’s not broken.
My medical doctor wouldn’t approve.
Chiropractic isn’t appropriate for children.
You need a referral to see a chiropractor.
Chiropractic results are just the placebo effect.

If these myths were true, chiropractic would have disappeared long ago, just like bloodletting and countless other ineffective procedures. But not only has chiropractic survived, it's thriving as more and more people want a safe and natural approach to better health that avoids drugs or surgery.

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” ---Arthur SchopenhauerGerman philosopher (1788 - 1860)

Dr Douglas Yost Real Doctor, Chiropractor

How’d You Sleep Last Night?

If you find yourself yawning throughout the day, it may be because you aren’t getting enough sleep. Or enough high quality sleep. The problem? It may simply be the amount of light you’re exposed to.

Drowsiness at Work

Many shift workers have difficulty sleeping well because their work schedules conflict with their bodies’ natural sleep-wake cycle clues.
Melatonin, which is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain, affects both our desire to sleep and the quality of our sleep. Darkness enhances melatonin production, while light inhibits it.

Therefore, shift workers typically experience drowsiness when at work and suffer from insomnia when they try to sleep during daylight hours.

Night Lights

Because bright lights can disturb the normal production of melatonin, and interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep, make sure your bedroom is completely dark. Create a darker environment by using light–blocking shades, lined curtains or even an eye mask to block out all light.
And don’t overlook night lights and those bright clock radio lights! Even an area of light the size of a quarter falling onto your skin can affect the production of melatonin.

The Elderly Suffer Too

One of the major health complaints for the over-65 population is difficulty sleeping.
This may be due to the fact that many elderly people do not spend sufficient time outdoors and therefore, lack an adequate amount of bright light exposure.

Getting outside more, or increasing the level of light in their homes during the day and early evening hours may actually alleviate the major cause of their sleep distress!

Ramsey County Chiropractor

Are You A Survivor?

We’ve become a disposable society. We’re lucky if our television lasts 10 years. Computers? Two or three years! We grumble, but few of us would prefer Windows 3.1 to our current operating system!

Unlike mechanical devices, some say our bodies are designed to last 120 years or longer. To achieve this feat, our bodies are designed to survive. In fact, many everyday symptoms are merely survival strategies.

Runny nose? Survival strategy. Extra mucus production enhances immune system function.

Bleeding from a cut? Survival strategy. Blood contact with air invokes the clotting response.
Diarrhea? Survival strategy. Remove toxic food as quickly as possible.

Vomiting? Survival strategy. Remove toxic food even more quickly!

Pain? Survival strategy. This warning system tells us to make a change.

When you consider how many survival strategies our bodies use, you understand why the nervous system is so important—it orchestrates the whole show.

Ramsey County Chiropractor

Pain: Cause or Effect?

Many of us have been misled into thinking pain is a problem.

Headache? Numb it. Gall bladder malfunctioning? Remove it. Sore throat? Soothe it.
All of these so-called “solutions” make the symptom the problem rather than attending to the underlying cause.

Imagine if you approached your car with the same attitude. Engine noise? Turn up the radio. Annoying vibrations at highway speeds? Drive slower. Squealing brakes? Turn the radio up even louder!

Ridiculous, right? Yet many of us employ this attitude when it comes to our body. We occupy this miraculous self-healing, self-regulating organism, and if we’ll listen, it warns us when things are amiss. First, with a little whisper. Then a serious warning. Or finally by SHOUTING!
Then we have a choice: address the underlying cause (fix) or merely quiet the warning sign (patch).

Chiropractic care produces great results by attending to the cause, rather than merely suppressing symptoms. Do you know a pill-popping symptom-treating friend who could benefit from chiropractic care? Encourage them to give us a call. Or bring them along with you on your next visit.

55126 Chiropractor