Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Am I So Dizzy?

Why Am I So Dizzy?

Headaches and Neck Pain

Dizziness and a disorienting light-headedness are warning signs that something else is going on.

You feel like you have just gotten off a roller coaster, only you haven’t been on one and the feeling isn’t going away. Maybe you feel nauseous and headachy or you’re sweating more than normal.

You could have some visual disturbances or difficulty walking or speaking. You want to scream, “Stop the world, I want to get off!” What exactly could be wrong here?

Sounds like you might have all the classic symptoms of vertigo. And…although there is no specific test that can confirm a vertigo diagnosis, it is usually “ruled in” by “ruling out” any other cause. However, vertigo is a symptom of another condition, sometimes one that is difficult to determine.

The experience of spinning is the major complaint with vertigo. You may feel that you are spinning or the world around you is spinning, or maybe even both. What causes this sensation? There could be a number of causes, including:

    • An inner ear disturbance that affects balance, such as a bacterial or viral infection, excess fluid, a tumor, a side effect of a prescribed drug, or nerve inflammation as a result of a central nervous system problem

    • A brain disorder, such as a decrease in blood supply to the brain, multiple sclerosis (MS), a skull fracture or head injury, seizures, or a brain tumor

    • A migraine headache

    • Motion sickness that may occur during a car, airplane or boat trip

Physicians may treat vertigo with oral medications or patches, but many of these have potentially dangerous side effects that are worse than the vertigo.

Often, there is a strong correlation between cervical (upper) spine and vertigo. All of the nerves in the body flow from the brain stem through the upper cervical vertebrae (atlas and axis) down through the spine and out to all parts of the body. If the atlas or axis is misaligned because of an accident or injury, vertigo, and many other conditions, may result. If this misalignment isn’t corrected, vertigo symptoms will not go away.

Many patients, when questioned, will recall a specific upper cervical injury. Since it may take years for symptoms to develop following a head injury, some patients may not be able to recall an incident that resulted in head trauma.

When a patient receives chiropractic adjustments to realign the upper cervical spine and correct the offending cause of vertigo, the symptoms of vertigo may diminish or even vanish entirely!

Please be sure to mention any problems you may be having with dizziness at your next chiropractic visit. We would be happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

Shoreview Chiropractic Clinic

Most Common Workout Mistakes

What to Avoid When Working Out!

Lots of attention has been paid to common workout mistakes such as overdoing it too quickly, not warming up/stretching, etc., but little has been done in terms of offering concrete solutions to help your workout work better for you.

Here are some common workout mistakes along with the corrective action you can take to improve your workout:

    Maximize your workout benefits.

    Is there a plan to your workout or do you simply go from one machine to the next?

  1. Making all kinds of excuses – excuses for being overweight, excuses for not having time to workout, excuses for eating fast food. Seems as though any excuse will do!

    Solution: Take responsibility for who you are and what you are/are not doing and make an effort to change.

  2. You mimic the workout routines of the Hollywood celebs, expecting the same results.

    Solution: You may not have their genetics, or access to their trainers, chefs, etc. Pick something you like to do and stick with it!

  3. You find a routine you like so you stick with it – every day, ad infinitum.

    Solution: It’s a good idea to mix it up a bit. You can’t just do cardio – mix in some weight training as well. The same routine tends to get boring fast, and you probably won’t stick with it.

  4. You have no clear idea of what you want to accomplish and you wander from machine to machine in the local gym with no plan.

    Solution: Make a plan and work it. Decide what your fitness goals are and get a trainer at the gym to spend some time showing you what you need to do to achieve your goals. Document your progress in a fitness journal.

  5. You fail to eat for several hours after your workout.

    Solution: Eat a combination of carbs and protein soon after you exercise to take advantage of your post-workout metabolism boost.

These are just a few of the most common mistakes we see people make when starting a workout program. If you’re committed to beginning or maintaining a workout program and have questions, bring them with you on your next visit. We’re always delighted to supply direction and encouragement.

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thinking of running a marathon?

Marathon Mania

Take it easy when jumping on the marathon bandwagon!

Less than 1% of the world's population has achieved it, and yet, more and more people are adding it to their "bucket list" - the things they want to accomplish during their lifetimes. What is it? Crossing over the finish line to complete a marathon!

Training for and running a marathon can be daunting tasks, so when someone gets bitten by the marathon "bug," what's behind it? Maybe it has to do with setting a goal and achieving it. Maybe it's about testing one's strength, determination and endurance. Maybe it's about pushing past one's self-imposed limits to accomplish something that might have been seen as undoable. Whatever the motivating factors are - there are a lot of people in training for their first marathon and many who participate in more than one every year.

Standard marathon distances are 26.2 miles or 42.195 kilometers - an overwhelming distance if you think about it. And that's the reason why few people believe they are even capable of it.
If you want to experience all of the glory of running your first marathon, here are a few tips:

Don't start out as a novice runner, never having run before, and think you can run a marathon in 6 weeks. It takes one to two years of regular running and roughly 6 months to train for an actual event.

Train with a group - preferably one with experienced marathoners who can give you sound advice because they have already "been there, done that."

Check the Internet. There are plenty of "First Time" marathon sites that offer excellent training advice for first-time and veteran marathoners.

Be sure to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically.

Make sure you have the right running shoes - this is critical when you are running any race, particularly one of this distance.

Enlist the support of friends and family. You'll certainly want to have them cheering for you on the sidelines!

Never be afraid to drop out of the race if you reach a point of severe physical exhaustion. Your health isn't worth it. There will be other races.

Run easy, especially if it's your first marathon. The goal is to try to finish - you can always improve your time in later marathons.

Many marathoners and other athletes agree that chiropractic care increases their strength and endurance by keeping their bodies working at levels of peak performance. If you're considering marathon training or even if you just want to begin an exercise program, let's discuss it at your next visit.

Ask a Weightlifter...About Less Back Pain?

Ask a Weightlifter...

Lifting weights actually reduces back pain!

What do you think a weightlifter can teach you about your low back? In a word - plenty!

Weight or strength training is a popular addition to aerobic exercise in many gyms and home exercise programs. Weightlifters have known about the benefits of properly executed resistance training for years, despite age-old myths that weightlifting can cause serious injury and lower back pain.

For example, did you know that:

In one study, weightlifters actually experienced less back pain than a control group of men who didn't lift weights? (23% of weightlifter group experienced low back pain compared to 31% of normal active men)

Weightlifting is the safest form of resistance training?

Weightlifting is safer than other sports, such as soccer and football?

Weightlifting is a great way to build lean muscle weight and lower fat weight, helping you to tone and stay in shape?

Weightlifting helps to prevent osteoporosis because it encourages strong bones that aren't as prone to fractures?

In terms of weight training, a research study conducted by the University of Alberta concluded that those who add weight training to their exercise regime actually experience less back pain than those who only engage in one type of exercise. There was a 60% improvement rate in pain for those participants in the resistance training group, compared to only a 12% improvement in the aerobic training group.

Aerobic activity doesn't have any real effect on pain according to this study. In addition, the whole-body approach used in resistance training helps to strengthen the body, decrease fatigue and increase performance in everyday activities.

If you suffer from low back pain, you just might just need to add some weight training to your aerobic routine. That, along with your regular chiropractic adjustments, can help to reduce pain and keep your nervous system functioning at peak levels.

If you have any questions about weight or resistance training, please be sure to ask when you are in for your next visit!

Back Pain Shoreview, MN

Can Head Posture Cause Pain?

Can Head Posture Cause Pain?

The posture of your head can have a tremendous affect on your overall well-being.

You feel exhausted at the end of the day. Your neck always hurts. You have frequent headaches. You have fibromyalgia. Have you wondered if head posture could be the cause?

If you suffer from forward head posture, also known as "forward head carriage," you may suffer from these conditions and quite a few others. An estimated 90% of the population suffers from forward head posture!

When your head is positioned correctly, the opening to your ear is centered over your shoulder. If your ear opening is off center and it's located to the front of the shoulder, then you have forward head posture. And for every inch that your head is off center, an average of 10 -20 additional pounds is exerted on the muscles in your neck and upper back, making them work harder just to keep your head up!

Unfortunately, today's lifestyle contributes to this condition. Workers hunched over their computers all day, children watching television and playing video games, carrying heavy backpacks, cradling the phone between your ear and your shoulder, driving in the car for long periods of time, and bad posture can cause forward head posture. Left untreated, this condition can cause disc compression (herniated discs, degenerative disc disease) and poor health.

So, what can you do about this condition?

Be sure to receive regular chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic care is proven to be effective in reversing forward head posture, reducing pain and preventing further deterioration of the spine.
Keep the weight of your child's backpack to less than 15% of his/her body weight.

Get up and stretch every 15-20 minutes if you sit at a desk all day.

Limit the amount of time your child spends watching television or playing video games.
Focus more on your posture, making sure you are sitting up straight with your head in an upright position.

Sleep on a cervical pillow to maintain the proper curve in your cervical spine.

If you are concerned about forward head posture or you have neck/back pain, headaches, muscle weakness in the neck, fatigue or any other symptoms that you're concerned about, please be sure to tell us when you come in for your next chiropractic adjustment.

Headaches Shoreview, MN