Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Neck Pain Differs from Back Pain

How Neck Pain Differs from Back Pain

Headaches and neck pain

Neck pain may be common, but it's not normal. What is neck pain trying to tell you?
Many people in Shoreview suffer from chronic neck pain. Some suffer from chronic lower back pain...and some, unfortunately, suffer from both! And...unfortunately, untreated neck pain can potentially cause far more damage than untreated back pain.

The cervical (neck) spine starts at the base of the brain stem, includes the first seven bones of the spinal column, and runs to right above the shoulder blades. In addition to bones, the cervical spine also contains muscles, ligaments and joints, with nerve endings that respond to problems in your body by conveying the sensation of pain to the brain.

Neck pain often results from performing repetitive movements that can injure these structures. For example, working at a computer holding your head in the same position, sleeping in the wrong position placing a strain on your neck, poor posture, painting a ceiling – all can result in a strain, sprain, inflammation or spasm in the ligaments, muscles, or joints in the neck.

Neck pain can be experienced in two ways – as actual pain, like that caused by a disc problem, or as "pins and needles," numbness or weakness in the arms and legs, difficulty walking, balance problems or neck stiffness. It may originate as a result of a whiplash injury due to an automobile accident, the aging process, stresses of everyday living, job-related repetitive movements, spinal tumor, compression of vertebrae, discs or nerves, or obesity.

Anyone who experiences any of the symptoms described needs to undergo a thorough examination to determine the cause of either type of cervical pain. Our office is capable of performing such an examination; we take a thorough health history and use specific objective diagnostic tools (range-of-motion tests, diagnostic imaging, flexibility tests, etc.) on each patient to determine the cause of the pain and assess our ability to help each patient.

Very often, our patients report relief and a return to health as a result of gentle chiropractic adjustments to the cervical spine that often relieve the source of pain. If we find a more serious underlying condition as a result of our examination and testing, we will refer you to the proper specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Douglas Yost Advanced Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic Shoreview, MN

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