Friday, October 9, 2009

Wii Fit: Exercise in a Video Game?

Wii Fit: Exercise in a Video Game?

Exercise and Fitness

Anything that gets you up and moving is better than doing nothing at all, even if it’s just a game.

It seems as though everyone is talking about it. Is it a video game? Is it a serious interactive workout? Just what is Wii Fit and can it really help you to stay fit?

First introduced in Japan, Wii Fit became an instant success, selling more than 1 million copies at lightning speed. The success of Wii Fit lies in the fact that it actually makes the “player” get up and move, instead of sitting like a couch potato –the way you generally play most video games. Advertised as uniting fitness and fun, the game starts by calculating your body mass index (BMI), your body control and your center of balance to arrive at your “Wii age.”

The key component to this game is the balance board that is used in different types of “games.” Games include yoga, balance, strength training, and aerobics. Because the game requires the player to move physically, it allows you to simulate action-packed adventures such as snowboarding down a mountain or even walking a tightrope!

A daily chart that comes with the software allows you to monitor your progress and set goals to challenge yourself to meet higher levels of performance.

This game could be a good way to get off the video game controller and a sedentary lifestyle. However, we think maybe the Wii people have it a little backwards when they say. “Your center of balance, the point between your left and right sides when you are standing upright, has a lot to do with your health. Those without an even center of balance will be unnaturally compensating for this imbalance, which causes their posture to become misaligned, increasing the possibility of putting unnecessary strain on their body. Wii Fit can help you learn more about your balance, and give you tips on how to improve it.”

Chiropractic looks to correct spinal misalignments that cause imbalances in your body, not the other way around. The imbalances do not create the misalignments, the misalignments create the imbalances. That is why we look at the way you stand, compare leg lengths, adjust hips, etc. – to rebalance the body and remove nerve interference that contributes to ill health.

Anything that gets you up and moving is better than doing nothing at all, but, if you want to stay indoors, a dance video might just give you a more complete calorie-burning, heart-thumping workout!

Shoreview, MN Chiropractor

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