Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stress Can Be Good for You!

Stress management.

As long as it’s not the hair-pulling, nail-biting variety, stress may actually be a good thing!

Stress Can Be Good for You!

Most of us are all too familiar with the negative effects of stress on our bodies. Fatigue, an inability to concentrate and anxiety are only a few conditions that may result from negative stress. Chronic, unrelenting stress eventually takes a huge toll on your body in terms of illness, overall body function and quality of life.

But are there times when stress is actually good for you? Of course, but in short bursts, like the fight or flight adrenaline rush you get when you’re about to be hit by a car. Or the jolt of energy you get when you receive an assignment that needs to be completed "yesterday." Or the sweat you might feel when you walk into an exam. Or the excitement you feel when you lay eyes on your new baby for the first time. These are motivating types of stress that can actually strengthen your immune system and help you to maintain a sharp and focused mind to protect you against aging diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

Research conducted by Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom, University of Kentucky, and Dr. Gregory Miller, University of British Columbia, and reported in Psychological Bulletin supported the notion that there are good types of stress that contribute to positive health outcomes. For example, patients who report moderate levels of stress prior to surgery report better recovery experiences.

Another stress study confirmed a decreased risk of breast cancer in women who experience moderate levels of stress because of lower estrogen levels. And of even greater significance, a study out of Johns Hopkins found that babies born of mothers with higher levels of stress hormones during pregnancy were developmentally ahead of babies whose mothers had lower levels.

So from this, it’s easy to see that stress can be positive – yet it’s a double-edged sword. Get too much of it and you’re at risk for conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and depression. The key is moderation between both types of stress – extremes on either side are harmful to your health. Channeling positive stress into the energy you need to focus on whatever is before you is key, rather than allowing stress to overwhelm you.

Of course, chiropractic adjustments help your nervous system to deal with stress in your life so you can control it to use in a positive way, rather than allowing it to harm you. Make sure you’re keeping up with your appointments and if you haven’t been here recently give us a call to come in for a visit! We’re always available to help you!

Shoreview Chiropractor

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