Friday, May 14, 2010

Ask a Weightlifter...About Less Back Pain?

Ask a Weightlifter...

Lifting weights actually reduces back pain!

What do you think a weightlifter can teach you about your low back? In a word - plenty!

Weight or strength training is a popular addition to aerobic exercise in many gyms and home exercise programs. Weightlifters have known about the benefits of properly executed resistance training for years, despite age-old myths that weightlifting can cause serious injury and lower back pain.

For example, did you know that:

In one study, weightlifters actually experienced less back pain than a control group of men who didn't lift weights? (23% of weightlifter group experienced low back pain compared to 31% of normal active men)

Weightlifting is the safest form of resistance training?

Weightlifting is safer than other sports, such as soccer and football?

Weightlifting is a great way to build lean muscle weight and lower fat weight, helping you to tone and stay in shape?

Weightlifting helps to prevent osteoporosis because it encourages strong bones that aren't as prone to fractures?

In terms of weight training, a research study conducted by the University of Alberta concluded that those who add weight training to their exercise regime actually experience less back pain than those who only engage in one type of exercise. There was a 60% improvement rate in pain for those participants in the resistance training group, compared to only a 12% improvement in the aerobic training group.

Aerobic activity doesn't have any real effect on pain according to this study. In addition, the whole-body approach used in resistance training helps to strengthen the body, decrease fatigue and increase performance in everyday activities.

If you suffer from low back pain, you just might just need to add some weight training to your aerobic routine. That, along with your regular chiropractic adjustments, can help to reduce pain and keep your nervous system functioning at peak levels.

If you have any questions about weight or resistance training, please be sure to ask when you are in for your next visit!

Back Pain Shoreview, MN

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