Friday, June 25, 2010

Lose the Attitude

Choose Your Attitude

Although we don't yet fully understand the mind/body connection, we do know that a positive attitude can:

you want to feel?" alt="Stress management image." src="">

Stress management image.

Believe it or not, you choose how you feel every moment! What do you want to feel?

  • Help improve mood, self-esteem and sense of well-being

  • Decrease depression, anxiety and hostility

  • Lessen pain and other bodily symptoms

  • Speed recovery

  • Enhance immune function

  • Extend longevity

We also know that to a great extent, our attitude is determined by how we decide to think about events. This "self-talk," whether positive or negative, is so powerful that it determines not just our emotions, but the condition of our physical and mental well-being as well.

Three simple action steps to help optimize your emotional health:
  1. Acknowledge that you're in control. The great thing about your attitude is that it's yours. You cannot control what others say or do, but you can control how you react to it. Simply put, no one can put you in a bad mood unless you give them permission!

  2. Be thankful. Put things in perspective. You are alive, something that billions of those before us cannot say. You have food, shelter and safety. Something that millions alive today do not enjoy. Appreciate your countless blessings!

  3. Don't worry about the small stuff. Remember what's important, and ignore the little things. Focus on the larger picture and you'll find less frustration in your daily interactions with others. The things that matter most are your health and happiness and your family's health and happiness.

    Shoreview, MN Chiropractic Care 651-484-0151

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