Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Drug-Free Stress Busters

Stress management
Something simple and inexpensive – and fun! – like game night with your family can do wonders for your stress levels.
Seems as though everyone is affected by stress to some extent these days.  The world can be a pretty scary place when you factor in fear of losing your job, diminished equity in retirement accounts, investments and real estate, businesses closing their doors… So it’s really no wonder stress levels are at an all-time high!
So what do you do when you feel stressed? Do you reach for a pill or a glass of wine to calm you down? Do you escape into sleep in the confines of your room? Do you call a friend, attend a support group meeting or schedule a therapy session? Are some choices better than others? Of course they are…
If you’re looking for an all-natural stress buster, try one of these:
    • Prayer – Many people find that prayer helps in times of emotional stress. The very act of praying for stress relief can lower blood pressure. Many find additional peace and comfort in prayer, meditation and religous services.
    • Sleep – No, not crawling under the covers and hibernating – a regular sleep schedule with soothing, restful sleep. Can’t fall asleep? Many find that a warm shower and a good book do the trick!
    • Massage – You don’t have to splurge on an expensive spa massage – have your partner or a family member give you one to ease the stress in those tight muscles – and then reciprocate!
    • Ask forgiveness from someone you’ve hurt or forgive someone who has hurt you – Either way, you release pent up anger, resentment or guilt that is only hurting you. Get that heavy weight off your shoulders!
    • Enjoy the simple pleasures – Take your children for an ice cream cone, get a free makeover in a department store, curl up with your cat or dog, snuggle with your special someone, brew a cup of chai or camomile tea and sip it with your feet up, watch a funny movie and laugh to release those endorphins, play a family board game, go to a bookstore and just meander, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, watch the sunset at the beach – you get the idea – something simple, relaxing and inexpensive.
    • Keep to your chiropractic adjustment schedule – Stress can really take a toll on your body. In fact, it can make you downright sick. The effects of too much stress (physical, emotional and/or chemical) can actually kill you. Chiropractic adjustments help your body stay healthy no matter what’s stressing you. And it’s far healthier than reaching for that pill or potion!
Let’s face it… stress is inevitable – but it doesn’t have to make you sick. Got stress? Get adjusted!

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