Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sit Up Straight! Was Mom right about slouching?

Backaches and sciatica image.
Backaches and sciatica image.
Slouching may feel comfortable, but over time it will take a toll on your spine. So sit up straight!

Remember when your mother used to say things like, “Eat all your vegetables.” And, “Look both ways before you cross the street.” “A person is known by the company they keep.” And let’s not forget her mantra, “Sit up straight!”

So many people today work in sedentary jobs that require that they sit for most of the workday. However, whether sitting at a desk, or at a sporting event, or in front of a television set, good posture is imperative to your spinal health.
  • Look at the way you are sitting right at this moment.
  • Are your feet flat on the floor, with your knees at a 90° angle?
  • Are your buttocks, back and shoulders up against the backrest of your chair?
  • Does the chair you’re sitting in provide enough lumbar support? Does the backrest fit into the natural curve of your spine? Are all your spinal curves properly supported?
  • Are your shoulders relaxed and even, not hunched in a forward position?
  • Is your body weight equally distributed across both hips?
  • Are your knees level with or slightly higher than your hips?
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you are probably exerting undue stress on your spine; this may eventually cause back pain.

Keep in mind that it is not a good idea to sit in the same position for more than 40 minutes. Chronic slouching affects the discs between the vertebrae and may cause them to bulge or become herniated. Take the time to stand up and stretch your back and legs or take a short walk periodically.

The chair you use should provide lumbar support that allows the backrest to fit into the curve in your lower back. This helps to avoid too much pressure on the spine and prevents back muscles from getting fatigued. If your chair doesn’t have it, you can use a rolled towel or invest in a lumbar support pillow to provide you with the proper amount of spinal support. If you sit for long periods, it is certainly worth the investment.

Sports Chiropractor Shoreview 651-484-0151

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