Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bad Posture Can Cause Back Pain, 10 Tips To Improve Your Posture

Mom was right – standing up straight is important, both for the image you present to the world and for your spinal health.

Essentials of Good Posture

Do you remember when you were a child and your Mother or teacher would say, “Stand up straight!” Or… maybe it was, “Sit up straight – no slouching!” You might have thought that it was annoying to hear that repeated time and time again… but you knew that their intentions were always good.
After all, you can exercise, eat healthy food and get enough rest, but if your posture is bad, other people’s impression of you might be that you are not well! Your posture sends out a lot of information about you and how you feel about yourself. Ever notice the person who walks along with their head down, looking at the ground? What do you think when you see someone like that? Perhaps that they don’t feel very good about themselves?

So… your posture is very important and, if it’s bad, not only do you give off a negative self -impression, but you might also be subjecting your back, neck and head to chronic pain as well. Good posture means maintaining the normal S-curve of your spine because that is what keeps your entire body properly aligned.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to proper posture:

Many of us spend hours each day sitting, usually at a desk and often in front of a computer, so focusing on maintaining proper posture in this environment is absolutely essential.

• Sit with your shoulders back and your back straight. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair.
• Your feet should be flat on the floor, your knees at a right angle. Keep knees even with or just a bit higher than your hips. Use a footstool if necessary to maintain the proper alignment.
• Change position and take frequent breaks to get away from your desk, stretch or walk around for a few minutes.
• If you use a computer, the monitor should be positioned 2 – 3 inches above your eye level and no further than an arm’s length away.


Standing in the same position for a long period of time can also cause strain on your back if posture becomes too relaxed. When standing, remember to:

• Hold your head up straight with your earlobes positioned over the center of your shoulders.
• Keep your shoulders back, your chest forward and your stomach tucked in.
• Make sure your knees are straight and the arches in your feet supported.
• Do not stand in the same position for any length of time.


Many people don’t realize that sleep position is important – both for sleeping well and for maintaining proper spinal curves! When sleeping, it is best to maintain what is known as a “neutral” position:

• Avoid sleeping on your stomach – it is by far the least-friendly spine support position!
• Sleep on your side with your knees bent, with a pillow between your knees if you wish, or on your back with a pillow under your knees

Following these guidelines can help you achieve better posture. Of course, keeping to a regular chiropractic adjustment schedule also helps with the aches and pains you get when you forget to maintain proper posture! If you would like to have us evaluate your posture – be sure to ask at your next visit!

Chiropractic Improves Your Posture

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