Monday, March 23, 2009

Benefits Of Stretching

Benefits of Stretching

1. Increased flexibility and better range of motion of your joints.
--Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring. Flexibility tends to diminish as you get older, but you can regain and maintain it.

2. Improved circulation.
--Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Blood flowing to your muscles brings nourishment and gets rid of waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. Improved circulation can help shorten your recovery time if you’ve had any muscle injuries.

3. Better Posture.
--Frequent stretching can help keep your muscles from getting tight, allowing you to maintain proper posture. Good posture can minimize discomfort and keep aches and pains at a minimum.

4. Stress Relief.
--Stretching relaxes tight, tense muscles that often accompany stress.

5. Enhanced Coordination.
--Maintaining the full range of motion through your joints keeps you in a better balance. Coordination and balance will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls, especially as you get older.

Stretching Essentials

1. Warm up First.
--Stretching muscles when they’re cold increases your risk of pulled muscles. Warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms, or do a low intensity exercise for 5 minutes.

2. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds.
--It takes time to lengthen tissues safely. Hold your stretches for at least 30 seconds—and up to 60 seconds for a really tight or problem area.

3. Don’t Bounce.
--Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears (microtears) in the muscle, which can leave scar tissue as the muscle heals. The scar tissue tightens the muscle even further, making you less flexible—and more prone to pain.

4. Relax and breathe freely.
--Don’t hold your breath while you’re stretching.

5. Stretch both sides.
--Make sure your joint range of motion is as equal as possible on each side of you body.

6. Stretch before and after.
--Light stretching after your warm-up followed by a more thorough stretching regimen after your workout is done is your best bet.
**If you only have time to stretch once during your workout do it afterward.

No gym required.
--Stretching is something you can easily do anytime, anywhere—in your home, your work, or even when you’re traveling. Aim to stretch with every workout and at least 3 times per week. At least once per day will be the most beneficial.

How can Chiropractic Help?

1. Increased Flexibility
2. Increased mobility and range of motion
3. Spinal and extremity pain relief
4. Headache relief
5. Decreased stiffness and muscle spasms
6. Increased performance and energy
7. Increased balance and coordination
8. Reduced degeneration and risk of injury

***If you have a condition related to muscles tightness or joints for more than a few days, especially chronic conditions lasting for months, it is a good idea to get a chiropractic checkup to evaluate your spinal health.

Dr Douglas Yost
Shoreview, MN

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