Monday, December 21, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome "It's Not Always What You Think"

Spine-Shoulder-Elbow-Wrist Connection

Headaches and Neck Pain
Just as headaches are often related to the spine, so can numb and tingling fingers, wrist, elbow and shoulder pain!
You have tingling in your wrist and fingers and…you work on a Blackberry and computer all day, or you’re a grocery store clerk, or maybe even an assembly line worker. Could that have something to do with it? Could it be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)? And if it is, are pain relievers, wrist cuffs and surgery your only alternatives for relief of this condition?

That tingling you feel in your wrist and fingers may be related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or it may be related to something else. But in any case, people with spinal problems, particularly in the lower cervical spine (neck area) or upper thoracic spine (upper back area) or who have some type of nerve/joint dysfunction may be prone to these symptoms as well. Repetitive strain ailments, such as CTS, often are linked to other injury sites on the body; this is known as a “Double Crush” Syndrome.

In our practice, when we assess a patient for tingling in the wrist and fingers, it is important that we examine the entire arm and neck to trace the nerve(s) involved back to what may be the actual origin of the problem. Failure to properly identify a “Double Crush” in the case of CTS or another finger/wrist problem could lead to unnecessary and unsuccessful surgery if the real problem is nerve interference due to neck injury/trauma or subluxation!

Because chiropractors are knowledgeable about bones, nerves and ligaments, we are able to perform the proper examination, diagnostic testing, evaluation and assessment so we can administer specific adjustments for CTS and other wrist/finger conditions that have been proven to reduce the need for drugs and surgery.

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