Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chiropractor: Bone or Nerve Doctor?

Bones or Nerves?

We live our lives through our nervous systems. Whether it's enjoying a sunset, digesting dinner or warding off an infection, our nervous systems control everything. Better nervous system = better life.

Our culture is focused on blood, such as pulse, blood pressure and cholesterol. Yet these largely result from nervous system directions. So even the smallest nervous system disturbance can dramatically affect the way your whole body works.

Since the moving bones of the spinal column are in such close proximity to the spinal cord, and the 31 pairs of nerve roots that branch out from it, many people think chiropractic is all about bones.

But I see myself as a nerve doctor, not a bone doctor. The spinal column is merely where we find the vertebral subluxations that are often the source of nerve disturbances between the brain and body. Reducing nervous system tension allows your body to work normally so health can return. Simple, really.

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