Sunday, February 8, 2009

Barack Obama Elected 44th President Favors Chiropractic

Barack Obama was elected to be the 44th President of the US with a popular vote victory and an Electoral College victory on November 4th.

Whatever your political leanings, it's time to look at how Barack Obama will shape our country and whether or not he will help the chiropractic profession.

According to the American Chiropractic Association Barack Obama will be a friend to chiropractors and chiropractic patients. In a statement to the ACA, he wrote that he has a plan to support doctors of chiropractic by expanding the range of chiropractic services under Medicare and help chiropractors achieve full integration into the health systems of the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Department of Defense.

This will enable chiropractors to be help and serve the brave men and women of our armed forces.

Under his Universal Health Care Plan, Americans will have access to a public insurance plan with comprehensive coverage including services provided by a chiropractor.

Lastly, his plan prioritized preventative health care, which chiropractors have been preaching about for years. Barack Obama believes we need to shift our health care delivery system toward a culture of wellness and disease prevention, and chiropractors must play an integral role in expanding access to preventative care.

We can debate all day long about whether or not Obama's plan is good or bad for America, how it will get funded, and even if he will be able to implement his plan. However, for chiropractors and chiropractic patients having a friend in the White House supporting the chiropractic profession hopefully will be a good thing for our spinal health and wellness.

If you are in the St. Paul or Shoreview, MN areas and need chiropractic care please call Dr. Douglas Yost at 651-484-0151 or go to

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