Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chiropractic’s Twelve Steps

Chiropractic’s Twelve Steps

1) You are more than your body; you are an intelligent and loving energetic being! Your body is the vehicle you have been given through which to experience and express your true purpose and potential in life.

2) Your Intelligent Life Energy directs and coordinates every single cell, tissue, organ and organ system in your body through your brain, and communicates with your body through your nerve system.

3) Health is defined as normal function and the ability to adapt to most of the stresses you face every day. It is the natural result of the adequate expression of your Life Energy in your body.

4) Everything is always changing, including your body. In every moment you are either getting weaker and moving toward dis-ease and death, or growing stronger and moving toward health, wellness and wholeness.

5) 3 Things are necessary to keep you growing stronger and moving consistently toward health, wellness and wholeness (1. A Deliberate & Positive Focus, 2. A Healthy Lifestyle 3. Clear Neurological Connection between your body and your brain).

6) The main function of your spine is to regulate the amount of tension in your nerve system and maintain the proper frequency of vibration or tone, so that the messages traveling back and forth along your nerves between your body and your brain are both transmitted and received properly.

7) Whenever your spine loses its normal alignment or function, it compromises your ability to regulate nerve system tension, and the result is a partial loss of CONNECTION between your brain and your body. We call this loss of connection and decrease in the expression of your Life Energy “subluxation.”

8) The loss of connection between your brain and body causes you to lose your normal function in your body, and decreases your ability to successfully adapt to all of the physical, chemical, mental and emotional stresses in your environment. In other words, it causes you to lose your natural state of EASE.

9) The problem is not that you HAVE something you shouldn’t have…it’s that you’ve LOST something you NEED in order to heal, function normally and feel good; You’ve lost the CONNECTION between your brain and body.

10) The specific Chiropractic Adjustment allows more normal function and alignment in your spine, and helps restore your ability to regulate and maintain proper nerve system tension and tone. In other words, it helps re-establish and maintain the CONNECTION between your brain and your body in order to maximize the expression of Life Energy in your body and help you HEAL.

11) Healing is defined as any movement toward wholeness, regardless of where you are at any given moment. It is a PROCESS and requires your active participation.

12) The goal of your chiropractic program is simple; it’s to help you and your family restore, maintain and steadily improve all three things necessary to keep you growing stronger and moving toward ever higher levels of health, wellness and wholeness (1. A Deliberate & Positive Focus, 2. A Healthy Lifestyle, 3. A Clear Neurological Connection between your body and your brain) for as long as you live.

Chiropractic is about helping you maximize the expression of Life Energy in your body.
Written by Kevin Donka

In the Shoreview, St. Paul area call 651-484-0151 for Dr. Douglas Yost or visit

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